Thursday, April 30, 2009

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Thursday April 30 Subbed for Mr. Nelson today...4 classes at the high school...4 at the elementary. Went our to Goodenows afterward for a quick visit. News when I stopped at the unit was not good. We're so thankful for family and friends that pray and support us. Denny got the mower running and I'm headed out for the first mowing of the year. It'll be good just to sit and look at the yard and be outside.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Wed. April 29 Subbed for Patrica Winterowd today. Took Chance, Jordan, Patrick and Deandra home from Battle Creek. We served at least 230 at the Awana pizza supper. Pretty good night...Denny said." Put that was really a good night." He was very encouraged. Pastor gave a great council time...had 5 kids and himself having "controlled" sword fights...pretty funny! Then talked about the word of God as the sword of the spirit. Denny got some interested Emails on possibly buying our weaned pigs. Keep praying. Thanks.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

4/28/09 137

Tuesday April 28 Rec center in am. We went for dinner ride with 3 other couples to Shranks in Danbury. Got some more stuff for the Awana store. Only Evan can pick up Kitty Bel. I don't know how he does it.

4/27/09 99

Monday April 27 I subbed at BCIG for Mr. Anderson (PE). Sow owners came before supper to say they don't know what the bank will do about the sow unit. May 1 there is suppose to be a determination if they sell the sows...or continue to lend money to an enterprise that doesn't look like it will make money. Denny has spent some of the weekend working on a resume. Thanks Luke for your input! Six of us were here for Bible study. Sarah, Kara, Steph, Elizabeth, Emily. Mike and Brenda came over later with a gun (which has a sight) to shot our ground hog...some how Denny has not been able to hit it with his pistol.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

4/26/09 68

Sunday April 26 Happy Birthday Missy! We took kids to get donuts before SS today. Camp Sunday


Sat. April 25 Missy came yesterday afternoon. She headed to Omaha today to gather with BCIG grads and others as they get together before Nicole Stewart's wedding in June. We got to care for the kids. Anabel and I went to an apron luncheon at church organised by Darts Harskamp. Yesterday Missy and I helped Great grandma and grandpa fill the water tanks with soil and level them out so they are ready to plant. Howard took us to family table for supper last night.

Friday, April 24, 2009

4/24/09 20

Friday April 24 Mom died a year ago today. She is missed. When I took my kids home after Awana Wed. night one of the moms wasn't at home. "She's at the bar. Last Wednesday I had to put her to bed because she was so drunk." It breaks my heart... How could I be so fortunate. Please pray for those kids. Such a hard life. I can't even imagine it. I reread some of the notes from the sympathy cards last night. What a mom... I didn't call my brothers and sisters though I wanted to. What would I say? We were so blessed to have had her for a mom. I love you all so much.


Thursday April 23 First Motorcycle ride of the Year! We left at 4 pm to go with Mike and Brenda riding. Such great weather and a great ride...thru Wall Lake...thru Lake View...around Black Hawk Lake...thru Sac City...and out to eat at Sac County Cattlemen's Company...great steak and shrimp...thru Storm Lake...gelato and hazelnut cream coffee...home after dark... GREAT RIDE!!! This year the bike club is visiting state parks in Iowa...hence the background


Wed. April 22 Load out 1082 pigs. 5:30 am-5:30 pm. Sprayed 4 of the 6 rooms. That's a record. I drove Denny to get his pickup in Odebolt at 5:45pm before Awana. Then to get my kids in Ida Grove. In the am we visited with sow owners before they left with the pigs. Pray to get a buyer for the weaned pigs we raise. If no change, he will probably have to liquidate the herd in 4 months. Always the opportunity to trust the Lord in all things.

Picture is of Missy and Phillip outside First Congregational Church of Parkersburg.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Tuesday April 21 Rec center in early am. I went to Sioux City after that and met with 2 home school families. Also got a new cell phone and saw a home schooler put the shot at track meet in IG. Sarah Ward rode along with me. Blessings from Mary Jo...May the Lord's richest blessings fall upon you today as you navigate life. May the breeze of the Holy Spirit blow into your life. May the treasure of Christ abide in your heart and your home. May you be a blessing to all around you. God bless you.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Monday April 20 Vet and owner of the sows came to the unit 7 am today. After a quick walk thru we visited in the office and found out the bank is tightening down the lending of money to farmers for livestock production. Not real sure of the future. I guess, like in all things. we just have to trust the Lord.
The picture is from Diane in Colorado when Anabel and Howard went to visit. Mandy ate supper with them one night. The picture from Diane's Snapfish was very clear...but it sure didn't copy clear for us. 7 of us here for Bible Study tonight. The last of a 10 week study (that lasted us 11 months) might say we didn't push it too hard.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Sunday April 19 No. the barn is not on fire. And I will not ever say that it is... especially on April 1...That is not something you joke about. It was good to burn that big pile of junk yesterday. Dad said the 2 sofas went up in a pooff. After church today we had Goodenows, Nishamuras, and Gerdes over for brats in the chicken coop. Good fellowship. Nice grill. Nice coop. Just where you want to go eat after church...a chicken coop.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Sat. April 18 It doesn''t get much cuter. When I was in St. Joe the Awana clown gave all the Cubbies headband bobbles, red clown noses, and long balloons. They were pretty tickled. Yesterday I subbed for PE at BCIG. Today Denny is burning the big trash piles across the road. I'm pulling dried plants from my flower gardens. Nice moist gray day to get some stuff done.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Friday April 17 EVAN IS THREE!!
Happy Birthday, Evan.
We love you very much!!


Thursday April 16 Lisa came to clean from 6am-7:10. Denny showed her how to use the Norwex mop. Planted more seeds in egg cartons filled with dirt. Oh, the high hopes of a gardener! The picture is of Matt and a clown at St. Joe Awana. Wait until you see Haley's picture in 2 cute.
Some days I don't have much to say so I thought I'd include a blessing from Mary Jo Hudson.
Her son Matthew Hudson suffered a traumatic brain injury from a congenital defect called an arteriovenous malformation on July 28, 2004. He has remained in a near coma since the accident. The last 3 years they have cared for him in their home. 24/7 She writes the neatest blessings at the end of each post on their CaringBridge blog. This is the one she sent on Good Friday.
We are grateful for each of you, and particularly during Easter, which is the highest holiday for a Christian. I'm reminded of all that Christ did for ME, and pray that each of you will also take time today, Good Friday, to stop and be thankful. We are so thankful for your prayers for each of us. The only thing of value we could offer you is the Good News of Jesus Christ.

And, with that, we pray that Christ, Risen, Seated at the Right Hand of the Father is your best friend, your Savior, your Redeemer today. We pray that you look to him for each need in your life; lift your voice and hearts in praise and thanksgiving for everything that goes right in your life; and patience for those things you don't understand. May your Easter be filled with SONSHINE and sunshine. God bless you.


Wed. April 15 I don't think I could have gotten an easier sub job than today. There was an early out at 1. Mrs. Sadler took her A&P class to dissect a cadaver at Briar Cliff. After Awana I took Chance, Jordan and Patrick to Family Table for ice cream. Then 4 miles on the elliptical. Here is Missy and Phillip's home in Parkersburg. It wasn't destroyed in the tornado. Thank you, Lord for a nice place for them to live!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Tuesday April 14 Rec Center at 4:30. Home school ITED testing from 8 - 12. Unit work til 4. Denny went in for meetings at 4 and 5:30 I just went through stuff at home. DOG GONE IT!! We sure had a nice time seeing Luke and Karen over the weekend. This picture was taken at Whaley's home in Manson.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Monday April 13 Nice phone call from Mandy tonight. We watched James Holst in Jeopardy. He had won on Friday, but lost tonight. Bible study with Steph, Sarah and Elizabeth. Kind of a sad day for me with an empty house...about a year since Mom got sick...the fun of seeing family for a sweet but so short sore knees...wondering about whether I've said the wrong thing...mostly a pity party... with no neighbors to party with...Get over it, Faith.


Easter Sunday April 12 We went to church at Grinnell Christian Church with Hirschmans. It was a really good service. Plus we saw Merle and Gloria Doty, parents of Missy's college room mate. And my college sorority sister Sally (Schwitters) Alias (?). We headed to Indianola and got there about 11 am. Jean had about 28 people for noon. It was good to see my sisters again. Luke delivered the Brownsville "crap" from his car. We appreciated the UPS delivery. Jean got this glass ware in Mexico. We got home about 6:30. to bed by 7:30. Slept 10+ hours!


Sat. April 11 Phillip's birthday!! After feeding my sows, I fixed breakfast. Missy and Phillip were on their way to their new home in Parkersburg by 6:45. We took Evan and Anabel to Manson to Whaley's for a Johnson Easter get together. Linda had kites for them to fly. Then to Parkersburg to deliver kids and tour new home and church. Then to Grinnell. We joined Hirschman's at Bourbon Street, the restaurant the Scott manages. We stayed at the Comfort Inn. No swimming...Haley had a reaction to the water when she swam in the afternoon. She stayed in our room. We did a little reading before bedtime.

Friday, April 10, 2009


Friday April 10 Quick feeding at the unit this am. To IG Groceries, Rec Center, 1.5 miles on elliptical. Reese, Tate, Terry Gerdes and Phillip loaded the big yellow trailer in less than 1.5 hours. They started about 1. Evan's party with his friends...Abby, Nathan, Jaci, Emma, Ezra, Jacob, Kennedy...and their families...totaled 37.?Great grandma made 2 super cakes.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Thursday April 9 Got some Awana store items at the Dose garage sale this am. Neil worked for us and we about finished processing pigs. Only 3 young tiny litters left. Lisa N came to take over Missy's job of cleaning for a couple hours a week. Missy came home with the good to see them. Phillip had the Thursday service at Parkersburg. Brad, the head pastor, has the chicken pox. Spent time getting ready for Evan's birthday party out in the chicken coop. Bring on David and Goliath. The picture shows Goliath knocked down by David with the crown. Anabel is checking her dad out. (Picture taken Friday night.)


Wed. April 8 I ran yesterday and my knees were so sore I may never run again...That's sad news for me because I really enjoy running. With Dad, Mom, and Gail having knee replacement...I guess I better face reality and age and my limitations. Besides the pain was really no fun. Advil at night finally relieved the pain. We took the kids to the mall playground before Lynn came to pick me up at 1pm. Torren loved it! Home by 4:30. Denny had to run to town to get some things at Bomgaars to fix a fuel barrel. I got ready to go to church and Denny had me come and help him by lifting the tractor loader bucket WAY high with the barrel on it so it could go in the stand. This job was a little out of my comfort zone.


Tuesday April 7 After we took Haley to preschool we just ran errands until it was time to pick her up. She likes the art center at preschool a lot. These were her 2 projects. In the envelope you will find vegetable stew. She made it on Monday. It coordinates with the medallion around her neck. Lots of dried beans and peas and bits of paper cut up which is the onions in the stew. Her spoon had a flap taped on so it would hold the stew while you ate it. Around her neck is the Tuesday art project...a lion's mane. Various colors of yarn were taped on typing paper and made into a lions' mane. Her hairband helps hold it in place. The facial expression is pure lion's growl. You got love it!!


Monday April 6 I watched the kids while Becky and Matt worked. Haley has preschool every morning from 8-11. Pretty fun to watch the kids. We read books, and about all of their toys in the closet, and played outside, Becky fixed thier favorite...sausage rice pie for supper. Matt got a free red DVD to watch Marlie and Me. CUTE


Sunday April 5 With the bad weather Lynn, Lisa Segerstrom and I left for Missouri at 9 am. I hitched a ride as they headed south for college visits. They let me off at St. Joe about 1 and Matt picked me up. Then naps and Awana at 4. They had an Easter egg hunt and a clown come to visit. Good to see them!


Saturday April 4 What a difference a day makes...if you don't like the weather in Iowa...wait a day'll change. Does this look like the nice place where we sat outside and watched as Denny grilled brats last night? I went to Carroll for W.W. Just made my target.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Friday April 3 To the unit early. To Denison by 9 to watch Anabel while Evan saw the dentist. After his appointment we went to a park and ate $1 burgers that Missy picked up at Burger King. She also got extra crowns at BK for Evan's birthday party...(A later chapter in David and Goliath's life...King David.) More work at the unit and then at 4 we invited Mike and Brenda over for supper. Brats on the new grill that Denny got at Bomgaars. We have been using Jensen's grill since they left 2 years ago to go to seminary at St. Louis. It was a great time to visit with Bergmans. We ate out in the coop.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Thursday April 2 Started processing pigs today...only about 150. I wish I would have had the same good helpers that I had in July when Haley and Toren helped in the hog unit. Bible Study at Susan's in the afternoon. Elliptical 5 miles. Denny spent the night getting ready for his colonosopy tomorrow am. Such a wonderful preparation. Oh, that stuff tastes awful!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Wed. April 1 New Day dawning...Phillip left at 7 am to start his first day of work as associate pastor at Parkersburg Iowa. Missy and kids left at naptime after lunch to drive to Ames...their home for the next 10 days. It's always good to trust the Lord in everything. We will miss them immensely. Tea party night for the Awana girls. It was fun. 12 girls and 4 adults.