Saturday, December 31, 2011

Saturday December 31

Every one needs a nap at times... I went to folks at 8 am. Howard said that Mom had wanted something to eat right away. She took a Hydro for pain along with the patch that has been in place since Thursday. She had some Cheerios and half a piece of toast with apple jelly. Denny and I read the Journey book. Denny headed over about 9:30. Most of the day was just spent in our apartment. I think. Vehicles and miles are as follows: 2004 Prius 151,850 2004 Jeep Liberty 111,600 2001 Ford F150 pickup 120,000 2005 Harley Davidson 48,170 We started to watch Cars 2 in bed. and fell asleep. Happy New Year midnight came and went without us noticing.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Friday December 30

Pictures are of Haley and I making Christmas cookies. When Little A and I got to the folks Howard said to let Anabel rest. He said she had been up at 5:30 concerned about being ready for the nurse who was coming at 8 to give a bath. He said she had a hard time writing down the pills she took. It took her a long time and she kept checking and rechecking what she had written. At 8 Barb did come to give her a bath. I changed the sheets and started a load of wash. When we got home Missy was ready to take grands into the library and rec center pool. I worked on my application to Morningside graduate program. I finished it and put it in the mail. At noon I fixed beef soup for Anabel and maidrite meat for Howard. When I went into her room to wake her up she was disoriented, not knowing if it was noon or night. I brought in the table on wheels for the side of Anabel's bed. She wanted to eat in the bedroom. I put the clothes in the dryer and started the dishwasher. After she finished eating we looked at the digital pictures for about 30 minutes. It was the right distance to have the screen on the table and Anabel sitting on the bed. She wanted the basket of Christmas cards by her bed so she could look at them later. I went home. Jensen family is scheduled to arrive for family Christmas get together this weekend. In the afternoon I took a short nap and then went to school to work for a while. I did 30 minutes on the elliptical -300 calories- I put Awana store stuff in church then headed to the folks. In visiting with Anabel, she said she looked at digital pictures for quite a while and she said she looked at almost all the Christmas cards they have received. Denny took Anabel in the wheelchair to the kitchen for supper of cheese sandwich, green beans, banana and half of a cutie orange. It was great for Denny to have a 4 way telephone talk with siblings. We have so much to be thankful for.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Thursday December 29

Hallelujah! The girls got wooden crosses to color for Christmas and last night went much better for Mom. She was so thankful that Dad didn't have to get up with her once. She said she slept better and her stomach and back didn't hurt. After visiting at the folks I went home, then back to the folks. Emily was there and she said she would talk to Dr. L. about pain medication. She suggested maybe a patch would address the pain more continuously. Mom could still use Hydro as needed. I started a load of towels. At lunchtime Little Anabel and I went over to warmup soup for Anabel and get the ham out for a sandwich for Howard. It was a beautiful day so we took Mom out on the front step for about 15 minutes. It was maybe the first time she had been outside since Thanksgiving. Then I headed to IG to get a table with wheels to go next to Anabel's hospital bed. I ran 45 minutes on the treadmill. At 5:30 I headed to the folks to get supper ready. Anabel wanted a cheese sandwich and fruit cup and Howard ate crackers and dried beef cream cheese. Denny washed the extra pickup we have on our farm. About 6:30 we headed to Denison to watch the movie We bought a Zoo. It was a fun night.

Wednesday December 28

Pictures are of g'pa with his grands playing. Last night I made contacts to meet with 3 home school moms in Sioux City at 10 this am. I went to see the folks. G'ma had a terrible night. About 10 she was sick to her stomach. Her stomach hurt and her back hurt, too. Howard was up some of the night with her. He said usually she just gets the dry heaves, but she actually threw up last night. I left about 8:30 to head to SC. We met at Panera Breads. Dad and I started using Map my fitness to count calories. Uffta!! The 13 cinnamon crunch bagels I bought are 475 calories for each one. Then add in the hazelnut cream cheese. Uffta! Now that was depressing to figure out before I even ate one. After the meeting I stopped at a couple stores, then headed back to IG. I worked at school from 2-4 pm. I called the hospital and arranged to get a wheel chair so I can wheel Mom into the kitchen to eat sometimes. Then I drove to Maren S.'s to take back a financial peace DVD. At home I fixed Chicken Alfredo and took some to the folks for supper. Anabel had a cheese sandwich. We ate in the kitchen. She took it prety easy today. She's hoping tonight goes better.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Tuesday December 27,2011

More pictures from Friday night with HWJ family in the coop. Denny and I headed for coffee at folks before he went to work. Youslings weren't up yet and Anabel was wondering if they were okay. I went into school about 9 and worked until 1 just putsing around. Copying DOL, Emptying old 3 ring binder, Finding spiral notebooks and folders for classes next semester. At 1:30 Missy and I went to Carroll. The Prius was scheduled to get an oil change. I dropped Missy and boys off at Wal Mart and took car to dealer. Anabel and I looked at o consignment shop. Then went to get Missy at Wal-mart. Shopped for about another hour. Then home to fix baked potato soup for folks. I lay beside G'ma and held the digital picture screen so we could look at pictures for about 20 minutes before heading home. Denny and I faced timed with Mandy who was packing her closet and wondering if it all would fit into her car.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Monday December 26, 2011

Pictures are from the HWJ family Christmas on Friday night. This morning I took extra sausage gravy and biscuits for the Youslings at the folks. At home I printed Christmas letters. I entered my checks into Center-point accounting and reconciled it with bank and check register. Denny and siblings are going through the things in Grandpa and Grandma's basement, mostly boxing things up and moving to the side of the basement room. I rode into town with Denny to get mouse traps and washing machine hoses. Then I watched 3 while Phillip showed Missy what to do for chores. Tomorrow after work Phillip is headed to Creston for his folks' nonprofit meeting.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas. Thank you Jesus for coming to earth. I fixed biscuits and gravy for breakfast. Yesterday Denny fixed Kids' coffee. It is always a hit to have that with G'pa. He just puts chocolate sauce in the milk. Last Thanksgiving when Denny tried to use a jug of chocolate milk, one of the grands said he had to make it from scratch.I guess there is a difference, you know. At 10:30 we had a morning church service. I worked in the nursery and Denny ran the sound system. Luke and Karen left for DM after a visit with Gma and Gpa. They had to be there at 1. Matt and Becky stopped at the folks before coming to the service. They left for Kingsley after church. Such a great weekend. Thank you kids for the joy you add to our lives. We are so blessed. Thank you Jesus. On a more rural note Chris and Greta? (Gert?) are now in the same pen. We had left overs for lunch and a nap. Denny is out washing off all the vehicles.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Saturday December 24

Denny fixed cheesey eggs in am. Plus all you can eat little smokies. Denny had fun shopping for little Grands toys at Bomgaars. We opened gifts and played with new stuff. About 2 we ate lunch, brats and chips. Haely and I went over and visited folks until Susan Bergman came to visit. Denny and I watched videos in bed with Grands. We started with Wonderful Life, but it was kinda dry for them so we switched to Little Mermaid. Before 6 pm Christmas eve service we had left over pizza. It was a nice service that ended with candle light. At home the grands ate PB&J sandwiches in front of the tree and then we all sang Chirstmas songs. What a cool night. After little ones went to bed we had meatballs, party potatoes and salad for adults. We got to visit with Mandy on the phone. It was so good to sit and visit with adult children. Matt and Karen joined Luke in a high tech Monopoloy game.

Friday December 23

Fixed egg casserole for breakfast. Denny worked at the bank today. With Matt, I took 5 grands to rec center for swimming. Becky took extra casserole to folks and Youslings. We had sandwiches for lunch. It was a beautiful day and the kids played outside. I went to visit folks about 5 and stayed til Whaleys came. About 6:30 Gary brought pizza. Most of the family came to eat out in the coop. So good to have them all here. I didn't get any good group shots, but I did take some snaps of Denny's family in the coop. Diane had figured out that between the Howard and Anabel Johnson and their 4 kids' marriages there are 193 married years. Add in 3 grand children that are married 9, 8, and 7 years and the Grand Praise Worthy total is 217 years. PTL!! What a heritage. Anabel had four kids over and gave them each a table cloth.

Thursday December 22

Visited folks with Denny before he headed to work. Helped Mom get washed up to start the day. Took Missy into town to get her van at 9. I looked at Dose garage sale and didn't get anything. I ran 3 miles on the tread mill at rec center. I had misplaced my school keys and was thankful when I unleaded the car and found them on the floor of the back seat. At noon I went to folks and fixed grilled cheese for lunch. At home I fixed food for this weekend, cleaned up the kitchen and took an hour nap. We met Missouri Johnsons at Ute AK corral for supper. Denny and I had been talking and wanted to take them out to eat there because we like the food. They had family pictures taken and were headed to Iowa after lunch. So we just met them at Ute. Haley loved the salad bar and Torren liked the pink lemonaide.

Wednesday December 21

Visit folks. Last day of the semester. CB and I baked cookies for her math class and delivered them to the resource room teachers. We got out of school at 2:30. Hard to believe half of the year is over. I just left my things in the room, so I have a lot of school work to do over break to get ready for next semester. I met Jensens at Rec Center at 3:45. 3 Grands and I swam til 5:00 then home to eat left overs, watch a movie, head to bed. Missy and Phillip took 6 youth to SC to shop and eat at Golden Corral. Missouri Johnsons are coming tomorrow :).

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tuesday December 20

Happy Anniversary Matt and Becky!!! NINE years. PTL! Visit with Mandy & folks. Mandy drove back to Denver. It took her 8 hours and 35 minutes from door to door. What a trooper. After school I had a dentist appointment. In the resource room we tried to figure out what classes we were going to be teaching next semester. I brought extra food from Independent living home. I went to folks and heated some potato soup for supper (that was what Anabel wanted). At home Denny vacuumed and cleaned. For some reason I was beat and worked on grades some, corrected some semester tests and went to bed. Julie and Josh had a baby girl today. 6 pounds 10 oz. I think Erin Anna.

Monday December 19

Visit with Mandy and folks at 7:10. She was pretty tickled. Gpa had made breakfast for her and Gma to eat in G'ma's bedroom. After school there was a weigh in at rec center. I got my $30 back for making all 6 weigh ins in the Fitness contest. Because I made 5 out of 6 goals I will be splitting the "pot". Denny worked at bank until 6 then planned to head to motorcycle meeting. Instead he talked with Darren M at folks about changes in folk's basement. Then Denny headed back to the bank to work. Phillip had to work late. Missy had been helping Mandy paint in furnace room. I brought grands home and put them to bed. Then after Phillip got home I went over and painted in the furnace room too.

Sunday December 18

Donuts with A&E. 19 in SS class (3 adults) After church Dad and Jon S. unloaded back of pickup. Jon has been using the pick up now that he is back from the service for Christmas. We stayed at folks for lunch and ate with them and Mandy. I ran the section about 5. Watched the Grands while the neighbors went to a Christmas party for Highway Products. Mandy came over to visit and open our Christmas presents to her. She and the Grands played Red light, Green light. We had a nice visit after Missy and Phillip got home. It has been great to have Mandy home so she could see the status of the folks and get her bearings in her Country Condo as she calls it. She was going to call it a Rural something, but it was hard for others to understand. They thought it was neuro. or uro. So Country condo it is.

Saturday December 17

Denny worked at Odebolt. I went for coffee with him at folks. Mandy spent the night at Howard and Anabel's. In afternoon Denny and I went to Sioux City shopping. We got a big box for Karen and Luke at Target. (They didn't know it was for them when Matt and Denny carried it down on the 24th when we opened our Christmas gifts.) Denny and I ate at AppleBees. Then he wanted to get a good smelling perfume at Body and Bath. He couldn't pick out the right scent. And wished he knew Denise VD's phone number so he could find out what the scent was. After we picked out and bought some lotions we headed to the car and went through Shields. We ran into Scott and Denise. Funny!! So we went back to Body and Bath only to find out they did not have any sprays of that name.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Friday December 16

Howard had made coffee and I had a 1/2 cup. Mandy came over to be with the folks before I left their house to go to school. Anabel was sitting up in bed, she had finished her toast. I helped her to lay back down and put some lotion on her feet. Another day at school. Talking to MT about schedule next semester, finishing proof reading AP's Comp Lit II paper, 3 of 10 teachers gone for the day, room being used for confidential ICN meeting, Missy subbed for Randy N, Sheri did great job reviewing for SPA test, I should have worked out, but stayed in room and checked to see what probes had been done, printed semester tests, tried to organized English activities, and putzed around until the game at 6. Mandy came with A&E. It was fun to have them at a BB game. At home Denny and I chilled and watched dumb TV. Now we're up and he is working on motorcycle minutes. What a thrilling life we have.

Thursday December 15

When I went over to folks, Gma was again sitting up in bed. Howard had brought coffee and toast to her and he was thinking she had really eaten well. After school I went to Wall Lake and got my hair cut. Denny went to Wendy C. for a check up after lenders meetings etc. I stopped at folks after I got groceries. They were in kitchen. I helped put supper of chicken and jello on the table. Denny worked at bank until about 7. Gma Laurie is here for a couple days. Mandy was driving from Denver and got home about 11:30. 8 1/2 hour drive. I stayed up way to late for school tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wednesday December 14

G'ma was sitting up in bed when I got there this am. G'pa had made coffee. After school I ran 3 miles on the tread mill at the rec center. Awana store night, so I got some more stuff at Dollar General. The picture is of Parent's night. Evan was trying to hit his mom with a dodge ball. I studied for SPA test at night.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tuesday December 13

Little A wanted to see great granny today. So we did. Howard was going in the am to Storm Lake to change the appliance order. After school I went to Holstein for WW. Then to rec center to run 3+ miles on the tread mill. At home we at Jim's burger tacos and watched a VCR with A&E. How cute is that little Amelia? Gotta love grands. Blessing from Mary Jo... May the Lord bless you and give you strength and courage to face your day. May you be faithful in the little issues which will migrate to larger concerns. May your faith be built day by day as you depend upon the Lord to see you through. May the mark which identifies you be Jesus Christ. God bless you.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday December 12

I stopped at folks about 7:15. Mom was comfortably lying in the hospital bed. She could raise up the head of the bed pretty easily so we could visit better. She had not had a bath. The health care nurse was coming today. I took the Jeep to get the tire fixed. After school I swam with Sue for 45 minutes. I really did not understand redox and free in SPA today. That is very frustrating for me. I worked both on SPA and research papers at home. Denny called siblings about Mom's condition. Mandy and Luke called. Mandy has been busy putting thing into boxes. She has them labeled and packed and ready to go. She is sending some boxes home with Durel C. over Christmas break. The picture is from Saturday. It is of Ginny A. and Brittany R.

Sunday December 11, 2011

Slow morning. Evan came down and asked if I could take a picture before we went in for donuts. Sure. I had baked rolls this am and we took the rolls and E&A over to see great gma and gpa, After church we waited and met to buy a dishwasher from Craig's list. Then we ate at a potato bake by youth group at church. Then quarterly business meeting, Then to Goodenows to visit with Kathy and Rory. It was great just to sit and visit with couples that have been a part of our lives through out many years. Then back to church to set up the Awana store. At home I went to bed and fell asleep only to wake up at 11 and start thinking about the sophomores and the research papers that have to be done this week. Couldn't fall back asleep. Lord, help me rest in you and not carry my concerns.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Saturday December 10

Mom's birthday. Miss her. I worked on typing the final test for Independent living this am. Denny was washing dishes and cleaning and laughing out loud at the car repair brothers. It was funny to hear him laugh. In the afternoon I called Sue G. and we went to Ginny's home for a Christmas coffee and then to Jenny B."s home for a Christmas coffee.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Friday December 9 0022157

Mom looked better at coffee this am. She had taken her bath and Howard was putting on her slippers. A slow walk to kitchen where she was having a piece of toast. I found a coffee filter to get a pot of coffee started for Mom. Denny had open house at the bank this am. Carlie and I went to down town stores for math class. Picture is of Brad and Micki at Dubuque December 3.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thursday December 8

Coffee at folks As I came for coffee this am Anabel was in bed. Howard said she had already taken her shower and was resting. I went in and she was so still, resting peacefully. As I spoke, she opened her eyes. The first words out her mouth were,"How was your party last night?" (The resource room ladies met at The Inn in Battle Creek to eat together for the Christmas season.) Anabel remembered and in her usual fashion ... asked about someone else and didn't make a comment about herself. Her legs/feet are very swollen. The cleaning lady is suppose to come today. Also the nurses from home health care. Hopefully, the nurses can get a water pill for Anabel to reduce some of the swelling. Keep her in your prayers.
After school I ran 3 miles at the rec center. Denny and I met at Bomgaars to buy toys. We stopped at folks before coming home. Linda had just left. Diane is flying to Omaha and renting a car.
The pictures are of 3 racing, running, little pink PJed girls down the hall way of Grand Harbor this weekend. They were having so much fun. So cute.

Wednesday December 7

As I came for coffee this am Anabel was in bed. Howard said she had already taken her shower and was resting. I went in and she was so still resting peacefully. As I spoke, she opened her eyes. The first words out her mouth were,"How was your party last night?" The resource ladies met at The Inn in Battle Creek to eat together for the Christmas season. Anabel remembered and in her usual fashion ... asked about someone else and didn't make a comment about herself. Her legs/feet are very swollen. The cleaning lady is suppose to come today. Also the nurses from home health care. Hopefully, the nurses can get a water pill for Anabel to reduce some of the swelling. Keep her in your prayers.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tuesday December 6

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TORREN!!! We are so thankful to have you. You bring much joy and laughter to our family. Coffee at folks this am. Anabel is getting weaker. Yesterday she said she used to shower and get dressed before breakfast, but she is changing her routine. She said that she is now eating breakfast, then resting, then showering. When Denny was over there this morning (before he went to work), Howard was helping lift her feet on to the bed. She had finished breakfast and didn't have the strength to get her feet up on the bed so Howard lifted them up. Then she needed help getting the blanket up and over her. After visiting with Kathy L. I got a new home school high school student. At 5 I headed to the rec center and ran 3.5 miles on the treadmill. Then to the girls' BB game against Harlan. They won, but they didn't show much sparkle. Denny used his season pass and joined me. After the game we headed home. Denny got the basement ready for Kevin N. to put in radon remover equipment tomorrow. I fixed fajita for supper.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Monday December 5

Congratulations to Nancy and Steven who got engaged on Friday. Keith's family celebrated Christmas at Grand Harbor. They used a light stand as the tree. Coffee at folks this am. Denny has a cold and stayed in bed a long time. I had an IEP meeting at 3 pm. After school I worked out at the rec center and weighed in. I'm pretty confused. My usual way of adding pictures is not working. Denny doesn't know a quick solution. Maybe I'll never get pictures on the blog That happens I may just stop the blog. I need those thousand words every day in my blog. Denny worked on paying bills.

Sunday December 4

Cereal in cups ... in bed ... for Grands. Then to the water park. Last time for the weekend. We checked out about 11:30. Then Luke treated us to lunch at Panera Breads. I rode home with Jensens. Denny headed to Omaha with Mandy to catch her plane. We got home just in time to get Grands ready for SS Christmas program. Missy's committee was in charge of the lunch afterwards. Home and to bed. I was bushed.

Saturday December 3

Happy Birthday Bruce, and Julie! I was down in restaurnt as 3 family groups ate, just to visit. After Johnson/Jensens ate we headed to the waterpark. Pretty fun time. About 1 the pinata was attacked. Then the gift/take away exchange. I think there were about 54 people at the gathering. Nice time.

Friday December 2

Mandy and I went over for coffee. After school I came right home. Then we headed out to see the "lamb cousins". Got to Dubuque about 11. Exciting news...Nancy Lynn and Steven got engaged that afternoon.

Thursday December 1

Coffee at folks. Missy subbed for 2nd grade. Mandy studied for initials. After school I checked E mail, took meat balls and party potatoes and went over to folks.
We three gals worked there in basement. Mandy and I ate supper there. Missy brought food home for her family. Denny worked at bank and then ate at folks. Big day. Home about 9. Message after we got home on E mail. OOps

Thursday, December 1, 2011

November 30,2011

Cute shot of Karen through the shed door. Coffee with folks in am. Regular day at school. I plan to get this much done...and it takes longer than I plan. I want to start with budget info in Ind. Liv. but my food/grocery information is not quite done. With only about 10 -12 days left in the semester...Uffta. After school I met with Home school family at rec center. Susan and I swam for about 35 minutes. Awana. I lead Sparkie and Girls game time. I was tired at home. Mandy and dad came to visit while I was lying in bed. Crazy how I think that if I am lying down it is almost the same as sleeping. Mandy and Missy spent time in folk's basement today. Blessings from Mary Jo...May the Lord bless you today. May you turn to him and absorb the warmth of His embrace. May you hear the sweet and kind words he has to encourage you. May you know that you are loved. May you feel the beauty of the season with a warm glow in your heart. God bless you.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tuesday November 29

Coffee at folks with Little A and E and Mandy... Great! Full day at school. Went to Grocery store. After school I went to rec center and ran 3 miles. Then home and had leftover zoopa for supper with romaine salad and left over pumpkin pie. Now Denny is watching the little ones while Missy and Phillip meet with Loziers.

Monday November 28

Coffee at folks. G'ma was weak and so she was in bed when I got there. I took the math book I borrowed back to Elementary school and got another. After school Sue and I swam for 45 minutes. Mandy put lasagna in oven for supper. Mandy went to folks when a nurse came to visit. So glad she was there, she spent about an hour talking to Linda on the phone. G'ps went to dentist to have one tooth's roughness taken care of. The family went out to check out the hogs' status when we were together over the weekend.Blessings from Mary Jo...May the Lord bless and keep you. May He strengthen you body, soul, mind and spirit. May you focus on the face of Jesus this season to see Him as the Salvation of our lives. May you see the wisdom of God in His eyes and feel the Comfort of the Holy Spirit in his embrace. May you step closer to Him every day. God bless you.