Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday December 12

I stopped at folks about 7:15. Mom was comfortably lying in the hospital bed. She could raise up the head of the bed pretty easily so we could visit better. She had not had a bath. The health care nurse was coming today. I took the Jeep to get the tire fixed. After school I swam with Sue for 45 minutes. I really did not understand redox and free in SPA today. That is very frustrating for me. I worked both on SPA and research papers at home. Denny called siblings about Mom's condition. Mandy and Luke called. Mandy has been busy putting thing into boxes. She has them labeled and packed and ready to go. She is sending some boxes home with Durel C. over Christmas break. The picture is from Saturday. It is of Ginny A. and Brittany R.

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