Pictures are of g'pa with his grands playing. Last night I made contacts to meet with 3 home school moms in Sioux City at 10 this am. I went to see the folks. G'ma had a terrible night. About 10 she was sick to her stomach. Her stomach hurt and her back hurt, too. Howard was up some of the night with her. He said usually she just gets the dry heaves, but she actually threw up last night. I left about 8:30 to head to SC. We met at Panera Breads. Dad and I started using Map my fitness to count calories. Uffta!! The 13 cinnamon crunch bagels I bought are 475 calories for each one. Then add in the hazelnut cream cheese. Uffta! Now that was depressing to figure out before I even ate one. After the meeting I stopped at a couple stores, then headed back to IG. I worked at school from 2-4 pm. I called the hospital and arranged to get a wheel chair so I can wheel Mom into the kitchen to eat sometimes. Then I drove to Maren S.'s to take back a financial peace DVD. At home I fixed Chicken Alfredo and took some to the folks for supper. Anabel had a cheese sandwich. We ate in the kitchen. She took it prety easy today. She's hoping tonight goes better.
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