Hallelujah! The girls got wooden crosses to color for Christmas and last night went much better for Mom. She was so thankful that Dad didn't have to get up with her once. She said she slept better and her stomach and back didn't hurt. After visiting at the folks I went home, then back to the folks. Emily was there and she said she would talk to Dr. L. about pain medication. She suggested maybe a patch would address the pain more continuously. Mom could still use Hydro as needed. I started a load of towels. At lunchtime Little Anabel and I went over to warmup soup for Anabel and get the ham out for a sandwich for Howard. It was a beautiful day so we took Mom out on the front step for about 15 minutes. It was maybe the first time she had been outside since Thanksgiving. Then I headed to IG to get a table with wheels to go next to Anabel's hospital bed. I ran 45 minutes on the treadmill. At 5:30 I headed to the folks to get supper ready. Anabel wanted a cheese sandwich and fruit cup and Howard ate crackers and dried beef cream cheese. Denny washed the extra pickup we have on our farm. About 6:30 we headed to Denison to watch the movie We bought a Zoo. It was a fun night.
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