Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Monday November 28

Coffee at folks. G'ma was weak and so she was in bed when I got there. I took the math book I borrowed back to Elementary school and got another. After school Sue and I swam for 45 minutes. Mandy put lasagna in oven for supper. Mandy went to folks when a nurse came to visit. So glad she was there, she spent about an hour talking to Linda on the phone. G'ps went to dentist to have one tooth's roughness taken care of. The family went out to check out the hogs' status when we were together over the weekend.Blessings from Mary Jo...May the Lord bless and keep you. May He strengthen you body, soul, mind and spirit. May you focus on the face of Jesus this season to see Him as the Salvation of our lives. May you see the wisdom of God in His eyes and feel the Comfort of the Holy Spirit in his embrace. May you step closer to Him every day. God bless you.

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