Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tuesday November 22

Coffee at folks. Anabel is tired and thankful that Gary is going along for her talk with the Doctor. I am so thankful for Mary Jo Hudson's blessings... May the Lord bless and keep you. May He be the source and supply for your every need. May He strengthen you in spirit and body. May your mind be stayed upon Him for wisdom and insight. May you be bold and sure with every step you take. God bless you.
I ran for 30 minutes at the rec center before heading home. I did a phone presentation for my Functional Behavioral class at 6.(I'm finished with the class!!!) At 7 I went over to visit Howard and Anabel for a while. Denny is meeting with a friend. Missy went to study at Jenny B's. Nice pic of mom and her daughters.

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