Saturday, May 31, 2014

Fun in Madison

I got up and ran 4 miles this am.  After reading until after midnight.  We had my regular PB and toast, plus fruit.  Yum.  We talked to Mandy, Denny and Betsy.  Farmers market,   Home Depot, Garden shop,   Garage sales,   Papa Murphy's,   Lunch at Nancy's,   finished book about Iowa BB  Maynard- 8 miles,  naps,   at 4 Hanna's came and we went to the zoo, Then back to Nancy's ate pizza out in the yard.  Such a nice visit.  Anabel and Hanna kids finally warmed up to each other after a couple hours.  Betsy and I went to Trader Joes.  Always fun to go there.  She liked it too.

2013-2014 is done

Did not exercise.  Planned to get to school early, but didn't happen. Nice breakfast at school for staff.  Went through another shelf of books, 3 ring binders.  Check out time at 10:40.  Left at 11:30.  Quickly planted some zinnias and marigold before heading to Madison at 12:30.  Got there at 6:40.  Road construction 4 miles from Nancy's.  Went to have a sandwich, then to Michael's for a turtle Sundae.   The home and to bed.  I read until after midnight.  Fun, but I will be tired.

Friday, May 30, 2014

second day of Semester tests

It is Thursday.  Last day of kids at school.  Went fine.  Donna and Lynzir bought subways for all of us for lunch.  After school we worked on inventory.  Hard to know where all of the books are. Finally got to go home.  I headed to Joyce's and got another set of plants.  30 painted tongues. 5 Minnesota mums, 5 asparagus.  At night Denny was cleaning the unit.  I joined hime after planting flowers, Chilled alittle, Vacuum fell off the table and broke seal.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

First day of semester tests

Devotions, up and ran 3.6. Visit out on deck before leaving for school. English test went ok. Spent time cleaning out folders, etc. in my desk area. After school I was heading to Storm Lake and checked... sure enough I had a haircut... so off to Wall Lake. At home we had left over pizza. Denny mowed and I helped Missy move kitchen stuff to Kiron house. Home about 10. WOW lots done!!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Last regular school day

Ran 3.6 miles today. At school I started the oven for pizza. There was a late start for a student.  Boy am I shot. So tired. Fixed a quick supper and Denny went out to mow at the unit. No contact from Iowa Select. I visited Cherry Creek and took the step ladder back. Grandma Laurie and Grandpa Alan came today to help with getting Cherry Creek ready to live in.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Wow did we get alot done!!

Long day!!!  Anabel was a trooper and really helped me weed.  It was so nice.  We worked on all the beds.  I don't even know what all we did, but it felt good at the end of the day.   Then she helped Denny wash the car.  I am ready to call it a school year.  Should have been out by now.  Still 4 days left to work.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Donuts before SS

I did not run this am.  Just looked on line at stuff.  I did go out about 45 minutes later and dig holes and set out dahlias to plant later today.  We got donuts with Grands.  Brooks sat with us in church... and visited with Jaci.  After church I headed to Joyces and bought $73 worth of bearded toungecleome, snap dragons and asparagus root.  Home to clean up kitchen, take a nap and plant the dahlias.  We went to memorial day fire pit at pastors from 6-8.  Denny vacumed all the carpets.

Saturday, May 24, 2014


Up and ran 3.66 miles.  Then to flower garden to work on the flower beds.  Phillip put in dripper tapes for one of the long beds.  At 9 I went to shower for Jessica.  Denny headed in town and got some combination cattle panels to make flower supports for me.  We had left over pizza for  lunch.  Missy and Nathan M painted the bedroom at the Kiron house.  Denny set up a panel bending place on 16 foot trailer.  We went back to Bomgaars to exchange for just cattle panels and 3 inch screws.  Bent the panels when we got home.  Then up to pick up steel posts at unit. Denny took the trailer home to weld chains and 7 inch on the trailer end gate.  I weeded with Amelia and Missy tiny, tiny bunchng onions. Got metal picked up at the unit.  Then Denny put the sprayer on the four wheeler.  I drove while he walked with the sprayer in hand.  Then he used the booms to spray the rest.  I went back to weeding, figuring where to put plants until dark.   Jensens ate marinated pork chops and potatoes and onions that Denny grilled after 9 pm when I got dark.  WE were still on the deck eating at 12.  We did not see a meteor shower in  the north sky.

Friday came and went Missed blogging

Ran 3.6   At school last Friday for students.   We had 2 people that wanted to tour the unit.  Keep praying.  After school, I came home and then headed to the Kiron house to help Missy prime the bedroom. Then home. Denny was mowing. I worked in the garden.  We chilled out on the Adirondack chairs.

Thursday, May 22, 2014


 Ran 3.6 miles this am.  Denny really slept in, He must be tired because he is a year older.  Who knows what I did after that.  The days just stream by.  On my run there was a beautiful sunrise.  It reflected on the windows of the hog unit


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Denny's birthday

No exercise.  Made sausage patties, hash browns with swiss cheese, fried eggs, orange julius, and cinnamon crunch bagels with cream cheese.  Ate with the Jensens. At school it was another day.  After school I picked up a cake that Diane C. had made and 3 pizzas from the Hut.  We ate with the Jensen's out  on the deck and Missy and Phillip went to the Kiron house.  Denny went to take a nap.  I worked out at the immense weed patch for a while and then came in to watch a DVD with the grands.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

First motorcycle ride

Ran 3.6 this am.   After school I worked until 5 and then went to Bomgaars to check the price of cattle panels.  $21.  Put on jeans and met bikers at fire station.  17 of us rode to Sac city Cattleman's Company.  Good food.  Got back to IG and I stopped at the library for mom's night out.  Then home and did n't sleep the best.  Uffta  Denny thinks I should go to the doctor.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Last Monday of the school year

That's what one students said as he walked into first hour. How true it is.  One mom had car trouble and so we had the IEP over the phone.  It worked.  After school I planted all the live plants except the dahlias.  Pictures are of Kara's family.  So good to have Talia graduate from Iowa.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Trip to SC

Devotions. Ran 3.6 SS with HS. Visited a little with Alan. Church. Got tacos at Jim's. Then to SC. I dropped Denny off at Lowes and went to Panera to see Roseners. Back to get Denny then to get my dress for wedding hemnmed. We ate at Texas Road house. Before heading home we stopped at Best Buy to get a printer and Staples to get card stock.  Pictures are of Denver get together last weekend.