Hope you have a wonderful birthday, Jason. It is so great to see the lot you share with your family and everyone you work with. Thanks for being you!!
Because the flight got canceled. WE GOT TO PLAY PICKLEBALL!! Yes!! We
Hope you have a wonderful birthday, Jason. It is so great to see the lot you share with your family and everyone you work with. Thanks for being you!!
Because the flight got canceled. WE GOT TO PLAY PICKLEBALL!! Yes!! We
We were up for pickleball. until 9. Then we went to Black Friday. Evan got 2 containers of of protein caffeine to en power lifting. I bought a box of Doritos and a back pillow for watching tv on the bed. We went to DGWe spent the afternoon in the hot tub/pool. When we were getting ready to head to the airport Evan got an email saying that the flight had been canceled. Uffda!!! We went to BRO airport and set up a flight from Mc Allentomorrow at 8. We came back to the park and the boys played video games at the kitchen table. Lord, help them get a flight back that works for the.
Up for pb at 8. We left for the island around 10:30. Breakfast at Lobo Del Mar. Denny and Evan bought hats for the beach. We spent the day at Poinsettia #15. Mainly I just listened to a book and Evan finished reading his book, Dune. Before heading to Joes we drove around Isla Blanca. Great food for supper. Ken didn't feel the best and so he didn't go to SPI.
Nancy heads to Madison today. We took her to the airport at 8:30. About 10:30 we headed to Progresso. It was a fun tie. We went to Elegantee to have pedicures. The the deck upstairs and outside of Canada/el patron for lunch. I bought a sun dress and 10 vanilla bottles for $1.75 each. We got back to the park intimate to shower and get dressed for prom. Fun night.
Glad you asked….
Dose garage sale dress was $5.
I hesitated to buy it until yellow vest/tie came thru orphan grain train.
And then Dose had 50% off sales.
SO funny. = $2.50
I had to buy it ‘cause we were told this years event dance was “prom”.
Problem was the dress size was like 16 or 18.
Uffda! I just sewed up the side seams and thought
“Good enough”
Wristlet and boutineer was fashioned from g’ma Newhouse’s roses under car port and orange blossoms behind deck.
So funny. But I did determine I am definitely NOT the princess type.
Nacy went to Fr. appointment with Hendersons. I played PB then beanbag toss. Nick and I won the first match, and lost the second. I got food out and set out table for 15 for soiled pork after the guys get in.
I put the umbrella down 'cause it was sounding windy. Church at SPI. Beach after that. I found a path to the beach that was out of the wind. It was cold by the beach, but sunny and I listened to 2 books. We shopped at HEB before heading home. Quite a few treats for Evan and Ken. At home we chilled in the afternoon on the deck. Cheese and crackers with Schrums and Hendersons. TV at night. It is so good to have a dishwasher that works.
I took Bruce to the Brownsville airport and filled 6 water jugs before coming home. to play pickleball until 10. I made party potatoes and Denny started smoking the pork. Denny and I got Bruces place ready for Evan and Ken.
Denny helped me with my BSF lesson on word and not Adobe Acrobat. Uffda!! At 3 we went to horse races and watched the launch from the hall. Hendersons bought supper at Churches and we had the last deck meal with Bruce N. here.
Karen, you are loved. Thanks for your presence in our lives. We are blessed.
Jean and I went to see Nancy this am. The nurse have Nancy heck for eating a sandwich. Denny and I went tot he beach/jetty only to determine that the lack was not going to take place until Thursday. I took a nap on the sand. We stopped at Walmart before heading back to the park. Nancy got released later in the afternoon.
I was up and heading to the hospital to visit Nancy with Jean. She is recovering. She talked the night nurse into giving her a sandwich. She said something to me about the white, white bread with 2 little circles of meat. The morning nurse came in and had a cat when he heard that Nancy had eaten a sandwich. So there's that. We stopped at Black Friday on the way back. At home the snapdragons are really sprouting a lot the last 3 days or so. We went to Walmart for some meat to smoke, then to the pool. There was a Marti Gra parade with park soup leftovers. George from the park DJ'ed music for dancing. We watched TJ in his last HS basketball game. We watched the President speech to Congress. Lord, continue to lead, guide, heal, restore our nation. May it be done for Your glory.
I went to see Nancy 7 - 9am. 2 quick PB matches. Then to the beach. What a leisure day, just sitting o the jetty. Linda and Roger joined us. We spent the day doing nothing. And it as ok. Space X was suppose to go up about 5:45, but they canceled the takeoff. While traffic was moving we went to their place and visited. At home Nancy was visited by Jean and Arlen. Hendersons say the golf banquet went well. We got chicken from the meal.
It was quiet with Nancy in the hospital. We went to Church and the beach. Wonderful relaxing time. I started listening to a book. We cleaned and washed bedding after getting home.
Sat am I played PB. Nancy wasn't feeling the best, she had thrown up again last night. The sisters went to her room and helped her decide to go to the ER of Valley Baptist. About 3 we picked up Brad and joyce and headed to the Island for taste testing. It was a nice event. We went to The Palms at dusk. I had Mexican Coffee as the chill of sunset joined us.