Sunday, March 31, 2024

Happy Easter!! Christ is RISEN INDEED!!!!

NO BETTER DAY THAN EASTER!!!  Rose had written herself a note to make sure that she remembered that it was Easter.  She came over and when Lincoln was up they hunted behind the deck for Easter treasures.  We went to the Catholic Church: Our Lady of Guadalupe.   We weren't too late.  They had a great children's choir.  Lots of good songs.  The Priest did a sprinkling of the congregation, dipping water for 2 aluminum basins, up and down all the aisles, followed by 2 ladies with mops.  First time for me on that Easter activity.  After church we hunted eggs on the lower racasa.   Lincoln was so cute visiting with Mert about the planter she got a church.  He is not here.  He is risen.   At 3 there was an Easter Park Dinner.  Mucho good food.  Matt's family at church, Then they went to Erin and Nick's, Missy's family at Taj Ma Hal . Luke's family was in Texas. Mandy's family was at Erin's.  SO THANKFUL HE IS RISEN INDEED!!!

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