Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tuesday November 29

Coffee at folks with Little A and E and Mandy... Great! Full day at school. Went to Grocery store. After school I went to rec center and ran 3 miles. Then home and had leftover zoopa for supper with romaine salad and left over pumpkin pie. Now Denny is watching the little ones while Missy and Phillip meet with Loziers.

Monday November 28

Coffee at folks. G'ma was weak and so she was in bed when I got there. I took the math book I borrowed back to Elementary school and got another. After school Sue and I swam for 45 minutes. Mandy put lasagna in oven for supper. Mandy went to folks when a nurse came to visit. So glad she was there, she spent about an hour talking to Linda on the phone. G'ps went to dentist to have one tooth's roughness taken care of. The family went out to check out the hogs' status when we were together over the weekend.Blessings from Mary Jo...May the Lord bless and keep you. May He strengthen you body, soul, mind and spirit. May you focus on the face of Jesus this season to see Him as the Salvation of our lives. May you see the wisdom of God in His eyes and feel the Comfort of the Holy Spirit in his embrace. May you step closer to Him every day. God bless you.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sunday November 27

Grands enjoyed the rec center pool yesterday. This am I fixed biscuits and gravy. Denny took A&E in for SS. Luke & Karen and Matt & Becky left in am after visiting with folks. Mandy and I went to church. Then we took left overs to folks for lunch. Nap in afternoon and get ready for the real world again tomorrow. It has been a super weekend.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Saturday November 26

Rec Center with Grands 7:30 until home at 9:30. Quick stop at folks. Denny had made Cheesey Eggs with smokies. YUM. Then Zoopa for lunch. YUM YUM Lazy afternoon. Took Grands out to find a ditch tree. Kids played, wrestled,ate. We relaxed. Kis to bed about 8 ... Adults had meal in coop. Relaxing. YUM>

Friday, November 25, 2011

Friday November 25

Happy Birthday Becca! Mandy left early for UI game at Lincoln. She met Jason in IG. I went to coffee with Denny before he headed to work. Anabel was so thankful that I helped her make Howard's bed. I got stuff ready for family to come, food, etc. About 6 pm Mo. Johnsons came. About 6:20 Denny got home from work. About 6:30 Howard and Anabel came. We ate about 7 Cavatinni. Haley and Anabel helped me put frosting on pumpkin bars for B'day cake for Haley and Torren.

Thanksgiving Thurs Nov. 24,2011

Went to bed late... very unusual... up early... very usual... Denny and Mandy still asleep. baked a pumpkin pie... turkey in oven. Went up to Kara's and helped Logan get World History assignments found, completed, and ready to turn it. Read AR book with him. About noon folks came over. I had set the table with the table cloth that Lenora Leistikow gave me and red dishes. Anabel brought yummy dill pickle roll ups that Diane had made when Johnson siblings had get together. After eating Howard took a nap and Anabel, Mandy and Denny looked at blogs/pictures on the computer. After folks went home Denny washed the dishes, Mandy listened to her lectures. Denny and I went for a walk outside to see Henningson new fence south of our corner. Leftover supper. Watched tv show on Mandy's computer then... High Ho High Ho it's off to bed we go.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Wednesday November 23

Coffee...Mom is so tired. She does such a great job of not complaining... but she is worn out. Please keep her on your prayers. Missy and Phillip went to spend the Thanksgiving with his grand parents and family... What a blessing they are. If only my school kids had Grands that prayed for them and loved them and supported them like the example of Phil and Bette... So much to be thankful for. After school I headed to Omaha. A couple stops at consignment shops... and to the airport withing 10 minutes of M&J getting their baggage ... to pick up Mandy and Jason. Stop at Howard and Anabel's home. Denny stopped and got me to go the the Thanksgiving service at the Pres. church in IG. Then home to cook up a storm and wait for Mandy who took Jason to Cherokee. Now it is time for bed. Good day... Good night. My plans for English class got postponed. I had planned for them to write a paragraph about how Thanksgiving would be different because they had read Night by Eliezer Wiesler (a survivor of the Holocaust). Instead I let them write while I worked on the assignments that L. has not turned in in World History. Hope I can meet with him tomorrow and work on catching up or finding the assignments he has not turned in. So much to be Thankful for... So much to pray for ... Blessings from Mary Jo...May the Lord bless you today and may you take time in your life to fall on your face before Him to recognize that He alone is worthy of praise and worship. May you focus on his face rather than the agenda for Black Friday to recognize every blessing comes from the Hand of God. May your heart be purged from all distractions so that gratefulness for what you have fills your heart and mind. God bless you.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tuesday November 22

Coffee at folks. Anabel is tired and thankful that Gary is going along for her talk with the Doctor. I am so thankful for Mary Jo Hudson's blessings... May the Lord bless and keep you. May He be the source and supply for your every need. May He strengthen you in spirit and body. May your mind be stayed upon Him for wisdom and insight. May you be bold and sure with every step you take. God bless you.
I ran for 30 minutes at the rec center before heading home. I did a phone presentation for my Functional Behavioral class at 6.(I'm finished with the class!!!) At 7 I went over to visit Howard and Anabel for a while. Denny is meeting with a friend. Missy went to study at Jenny B's. Nice pic of mom and her daughters.

Monday November 21

Coffee at folks. Mom is so tired. She just keeps going. I had an IEP meeting at 2 today. Then I weighed in and worked out. I found out it is better to workout then weigh in. Here are some more cuties from the SS class I help with. We had Neil soup for supper and I had rhubarb pie from ingathering. YUM. Donnabel is a great cook.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Sunday November 20

Sprinkled topped cookies...not donuts this morning. It is hard to pass up sprinkles. I taught the 2-5 year old class. I took a picture of Evan's class, too. After church I took Stangls home then to IG for stores being open. Got some stuff at Selections...I thought it was 25% off, but NO... I hadn't read the sign correctly. Oh, well, small town merchants need to make some money too. At home I froze Cavatinni for this weekend and made a salad for ingathering at 5 pm. It's good to look forward to a short week. I stressed about oral presentation for FBA. Denny worked a long time trying to get skyp set up. We'll see.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Happy Birthday Haley!! November 19,2011

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! WE LOVE YOU HALEY!!! Denny worked outside with Phillip getting electric fence working so sheep don't get out. I worked on class work. I'd like to have it done before Thanksgiving. At 4 we went in to the Skate Palace and watched a skater's competition. It was very different for us to do something like that...kinda fun.

Friday November 18

Coffee at folks, Pictures are from Ben and Becca's wedding on Nov. 15, 2003. AFter school I went to Arthur to read the paper. Then Denny and I went to Carroll and got some clothes for Denny, ate Mexican, and shopped Wal-Mart. About 10:15 I went to the car and took a nap.

Thursday November 17

Coffee at folks. We had an 9 am staffing for a student. Hopefully he will get along fine at Flex ed in afternoon and HS in morning with his mom transporting him. After school I met Susan and we swam until 5:15. Denny came to the rec center then and I rode the stationary bike for another 30 minutes. At home Denny helped me make a graph for Morningside 431. It was a huge help. The picture is of the folks skyping with Eric on Sunday. Eric is in Ireland this fall. Howard was so cute, as they waited for the connection, he could see Eric and Grandpa was waving with his hand at Eric.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Wednesday November 16

Coffee at folks. Anabel had toe nail trim in Ida Grove today. One student got sent home, tomorrow is a staffing to see where he can learn best. After school I went to Wall Lake to get my hair cut. Then to Awana. I tried to work on my computer at church, but too little charge, I didn't get much done.

I am always encouraged by Mary Jo's blessings: May the Lord bless you. May you find an unfailing friend in Jesus. He will not disappoint. He always hears. He is kind and loving every minute of our day. May you know him intimately. God bless you.

Tuesday November 15

Coffee at folks. Met with pricipal at 7:45 to see about a tutor. After school I headed to SC to meet with 4 home school families. Tired and so I just headed back after a 4-5:45 stay at Arbies. Denny went to motorcycle meeting and out to eat in Denison. He brought back a great meal for me.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday November 14

Coffee at folks. Howard wondered why I was over. He didn't know it was Monday. I guess the busy Sunday threw him off. Right before I left Anabel got sick to her stomach and headed to the bathroom. Full school day. Started to read Night by Elie Wiesel to English students. After school Denny and I took the Liberty to Odebolt to get the oil changed. Missy came down to visit a little. Phillip had to go back in to work in the evening.

Sunday November 13

Donuts before Sunday School. We were running late, so no prayer time. Made lemonaide and got out cookies. After church we went home. Linda had brought Thanksgiving dinner for all 17 Johnsons. Missy told Linda that Linda could bring Sunday dinner over any time she wanted to. The kitchen would always be open. Good to have all of Denny's siblings here. Good time with everyone.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Saturday November 12

I got up and worked on research synthesis. Submitted it around noon. In a class of 240 points, and about 20 assignments of 5 points each, this is worth 30 points. Denny worked at Odebolt this am. Set table for Thanksgiving meal tomorrow with Johnsons. At 6 we went to rec center and worked out...then to HS play...AFter the play Laura and Mark stopped. Good day. The pictures are of the roller skating party. Early in the night Evan said,"I can skate by myself. I don't need to skate with mom or dad." Growing up...

Friday November 11

Coffee at folks. As I got out of the car there were 7 wild turkeys right west of the house. I asked Howard and Anabel if they were starting to raise fowl. To school early for staffing... hopefully student will have a better attitude. I stayed and worked at school until home school skating party at 6;30. Then home and work on research synthesis.

Thursday November 12

Coffee at folks...Don't remember what else I did that day. Susan and I met to swim at 4:20. There is a home school skating party Friday night...preview picture of event that has happened as I work on the blog one week later. I'm trying to get rid of the picture that was upside down...Don't know why that happened.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wednesday November 9

Coffee at folks. Early out for professional development day. Need to work on our 10th grade research paper and I feel very inadequate. Phillip took my car home,(flat on Toyota) and I rode home with Missy. Worked on school work for an hour...then to Awana family night. Set out red hot punch, pumpkin bars, cookies, and apple juice. I went up to watch Anabel at Cubbies. There were over 25 little 3-5 year olds. Then I went to watch Evan and Missy at game time. The Wednesday night count was 266 tonight. Pastor gave a counsel time that started out with a two person race drinking pop.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Wednesday November 9

EVERYBODY GETS A PONY RIDE. At the pumpkin patch it was suppose to be $4 for a ride. But the pony owners were from Matt and Becky's church...so free rides for the three. Awana family night

Tuesday November 8

No chemo for 2 weeks. Anabel's platelet count was 75. After school I went to Holstein for WW then to the rec center, ran 3 miles,biked 2 miles,lifted 5 pound weights. I came home and baked pumpkin bars and chicken casserole. I tried to understand SPA. It is hard for me... and I am suppose to be explaining it to resource room 9th graders. UFFTA!! I'll keep trying. But I can't remember what are antions and what are cations. to say nothing of the spdf levels. UFFTA!!

Monday November 7

Coffee at folks. Still pretty tired. It was a huge weekend for them with Sally and Lindberg cousin get together. Drive around all Thursday afternoon then Meals out Friday night and Saturday noon. At 3 there was an IEP meeting. After school I went to get weighed. Then Susan and I swam from 4:30- 5:30. So refreshing. Then to grocery store.

Sunday November 6

Worked on school before donuts. Donuts before SS. I fixed juice and got cookies out for troops between SS and church. I worked in the afternoon on school stuff. Went to prayer time and then worked a little more. The picture is from last Monday when Missy took the grands to the Battle Creek nursing home. Pretty cute. They served hot dogs and chips to trick or treaters. Good idea.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Saturday November 5

Denny had Grands down for cheesey eggs and orange juice and honey and toast. In am I read for professional development coming up on Wednesday. Then I worked on Morningside class. After lunch I read in to coop then went to a shower for Judah H. Cute little guy. Then we're headed to the coop for supper with the neighbors. - Orange chicken-fried rice-spinach balls-chicken taco. Kind of a mix.

Friday November 4

Coffee at folks. Anabel was out all afternoon yesterday driving with Sally and Ed and looking around. After school I swam with Susan G. Then to Pizza Hut. The Lindberg cousins were getting together for supper at 6. I just got a picture of Paul and Maryann and family...Darn closed eyes. Then Denny and I came home. Watched Heidi. Big day. Hard day for Logan at school. Keep him in your prayers.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thursday November 3

I had coffee at folks. She had clemetine oranges for my independent living class. After school I stopped at dollar general andn spent more than a dollar. At home I worked more on an IEP.Such a good reminder from Matt H's site. With out God's presence I would not be able to face the day before me. Blessing from MaryJo: May the grace of God be ever present and evident in your life, too. May you recognize that without it you would be unable to face the day before you. May you raise your hearts and hands to the Lord in praise. May you refine the attitude of gratitude. God bless you.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wednesday November 2

Happy Birthday Susan B. Coffee at folks. Anabel says she is feeling a little better. After school I went to the rec center and then to Awana. Then home to work on an IEP. Grands and I got some things out of the Awana Store bins at church to sent to Shoe box Christmas.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tuesday November 1

Coffee at folks. After school I met Denny at rec center and rode the bike for 20 minutes, then ran on the treadmill for 30 minutes then did some crunches. Then at 7 to home school meeting at the library. Not much to say about today. Except I have cute grands.