Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New years Eve day

Dec, 31, 2008 Okay, I didn't get to see all uor grandkids to day, but it was fun to see them over Christmas break. Not too exciting of a NY eve. It's 11:30 and we're heading to bed. We shipped out 1131 pigs this am. I was at the unit from 6am to 5:30 pm. Moving pigs til 9:45 then high pressure spraying 10 to 5 with as hour lunch break. Missy brought the kiddos and home made pizza for us...Plus ice cream. Tonight M&P went to Troy Johnsons and we put the kids to bed. Missy took some clothes for Ezra and food to Bergmans tonight. I finished another year of reading thru the Bible with my 1 a days.

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