Saturday, May 30, 2009


Sat. May 30 Good day. I took flowers to town after the unit. Pizza Hut - 5 bud vases and a vase of flowers for Anita W. compliments of Rand. Now, hopefully, I can go to Prairie Peddler and buy some more sell some more flowers buy some more flowers...etc. This afternoon we got the 2 bedrooms in the basement ready for sleepers. We bought a new queen bed from Malcolms for one bedroom and moved a queen from the machine shed into the blue room. I mowed and Denny went to the folks to fix 2 lawn mowers. These are the last of the pix from Tuesday night. It was so good to spend time with friends.

Friday, May 29, 2009

5/29/09 807

Friday May 29 Happy Anniversary Jean and Arlen...33 years!! It was so nice to see you yesterday. Follow Doctor's orders and get better fast. We mainly worked at the unit today. I think I processed over 600 baby pigs. Denny got traps from Mom and Dad for the coons.
Blessings from Mary Jo Hudson:
May the Lord give you a calm and restful weekend. May you have a sense of accomplishment with the way you spend your time. Remember to tell those closest to you that you love them, and give an extra hug to each one. God's blessing on you and your loved ones.


Thursday May 28 I went to the unit early, we cleaned early, I met Gail on the Interstate by Atlantic at 10 and we drove to Des Moines. My sister Jean fell and re broke her arm last Wednesday. She had surgery at 1. We waited with Arlen and when she was discharged at 4 we went to Indianola til 5:30. So good to be with sisters. Hard to see one hurting. The coons have been up on my deck digging in my flower pots. YUCK!! Denny did shot a ground hog about 2 weeks ago. Coons come out at night and do their destruction.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

5/27/09 765

Wed. May 27 Gail called to say that my nephew Maynard's golf team qualified for the state meet. He is one of the 3 freshmen and 3 juniors on the team! Whitney's stopped and I dug up some irises to give them.


Tuesday May 26 I worked at the rec center from 4;30- 10. I had a dermatoligist appointment in Sioux City. I made 2 home school visits and stopped at a couple thrift stores. Then home to get ready for a GOOD THING. Whitneys, Goodenows and Paulsruds came for supper. It was so good to sit and visit with them. We had been trying to get together since February...and so we celebrated birthdays for 6 of us from Feb- May.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

5/25/09 727

Monday May 25 Regular day. Lots of babies at the unit. Denny mowed the unit with the bush hog. I put away gardening stuff. We put some carpet down in basement bedroom. I had gotten the carpet at a garage sale for $10.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Sunday May 24 We are just starting farrowing 148 sows in 133 crates...It should be an interesting time. I'm looking forward to it. I like those babies. I finished planting before Sunday school. Denny took the Harley to church and this afternoon we just rode. Cobb park was beautiful with all the flags. Soldier, Iowa was having a bike rally so we headed that way. We were back in Arthur at 6 pm when Pastor had a bonfire in his back yard. People brought snacks and lawn chairs.

5/23/09 685

Saturday May 23 Stayed up WAY to late checking out a blog site I heart faces. STUPID TO BE UP UNTIL 2. Went to the unit.... I went to Carroll by 8:15... WalMart run, WW weigh in, bread store, a couple of garage sales ...I got a whole box of Disney videos for $10...I think 30...home by noon. Planted all afternoon. Tired. Denny cut wood from the grove. It was nice to talk to Matt. Denny had the speaker phone on outside so I could weed and listen to them talking. Denny got German chocolate cake for his birthday.

Friday, May 22, 2009


Friday May 22 I subbed for Cathy Taylor at the middle school today. Yesterday we had cake with mom and dad after work. Then a motorcycle ride to Denison Mexican with Duane and Teresa Swenson. Hopefully I can get in the garden this afternoon. I finally have a voice...a little raspy, but not sore and I can be heard. Denny is finishing mowing the lawn. It is now 10 pm. I got some yard work done. We still have to plant our corn kernals for the Our Iowan contest. We have 7 seeds... Maybe 3 for Denny, 2 for me and 2 for Jensens. They won't get them until the 31st...unless you Jensens want to meet us sooner so you can plant the seeds earlier. Save a place in your garden. Thanks for the phone call, Luke. Nice visit and we needed a break from work. You turn our world upside down, too.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

5/21/09 650

Happy Birthday, Denny!!

You're still the one...

We're still having fun

and You're still a hunk to me!!!!


Wed. May 20 Big day at the unit. We loaded out 1200 pigs...14.8# Plus washed 3 1/2 rooms. We went to church tonight to see part of a video series...That the World May Know. Please check out for a correlation with picture to the side. You'll have to go past the most recent post to Sunday Morning May 17th post. At the bottom is Torren's take on Grandpa.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

5/19/09 615

Tuesday May 19 Rec center 4:30- 7:45 Subbed for Mrs. Maass. Kinda hard because I still have no voice. Denny worked hard at the unit today. See what a big stong guy he is? His little brother wants to grow up to be just like him. After work we just chilled out in the coop. I had hoped to work in the garden but MAN was it windy!! I couldn't talk on the phone. I tryed to talk, but it just didn't work. First to Nancy Roggee to take a sub job on Friday. Then to an insurance agent after school. I think he thought I was a special needs personality.


Monday May 19 Well, I lost my voice. I don't have a sore throat, but last Tuesday my throat was very sore. Then Friday I subbed for PE and played soccer in the drizzle. The students said they didn't want to go out because they would be sick for graduation weekend. Hope they didn't get sick. I suppose it didn't help my throat. I'm suppose to sub tomorrow. Hope it's better. Today we had lots of visitors at the unit. The vet and sow owner came in the am. Then in the afternoon the BANKER and the sow owner came. It looks like we will continue as is at least until August. Denny is going to VT tomorrow to tell them (at least for the time being) we are not seeking other employment. This was the first day I was able to spend some time in the garden/flowers. It felt good but so many weeds. Stephanie, Sarah, Emily, and Danielle were here for study.

Monday, May 18, 2009

5/17/09 570

Sunday May 17 A trip down memory lane. When I got the May basket it affected my life at the time (and forever...Denny married the basket case). ISU campus IS NOT the most conducive to crutches, plus it hindered my Diamond Darling baseball skills. The DD's were in charge of retrieving foul balls, PR, getting past balls during warmup, and keeping stats. I always told people that the only way I could catch Denny and kiss him - when he gave me the May basket - was to fake an injury...I faked a little too well. 4 weeks in a caste. I did get it off early so I could lifeguard at State 4-H camp in June. I wouldn't be too effective jumping into the water with a plaster cast.
We went to graduation receptions today after church. I helped with Stangls. They had it at the city park. What an answer to my prayer when the sun came out. We ate great at Dan Bell's and Ryan Rydbergs,too. Just a nice time to visit with neighboors and friends,.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

5/16/09 533

Sat. May 16 Work, then to IG to get coffee for Denny,take some flowers, buy some flowers. Mow the lawn, Arthur for Molly Hofmann's grad party, Sheldon for Ben Van Kekerix's grad party, 290th street for Hannah Redenius's grad party.
WE HAD A "BAREY" NICE DAY....and always look forward to seeing our family..

Friday, May 15, 2009


Friday May 15 Subbed at HS for PE today...damp grey day...Lesson plan was to have them go out and play soccer...NOT happy campers...Life goes on. Denny had an interview at VT this am. It went okay. Open shift is 10 pm to 6 am. Denny had a good visit with sow owner. He's still working on financing. Said go ahead and save gilts and breed sows this week. We went to Lisa Nishumura's graduation party at Prairie Peddler with Howard and Anabel. Very nice. Kate Bergman borrowed Mandy's prom dress last night. Her grandma Susan had a dress up party for 7 high school gals. Gold invitations Nice meal. Treat those gals special.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

5/14/09 493

Thurs. May 14 Denny and I clean for about 45 min. every Thurs. am. Makes the house look really good to me and doesn't take us too long. (I guess we've only done it 2 Thursdays , but it sounds like a good habit to get in to.) After the unit I went to Storm Lake for a couple of hog parts and to cash in my $20 gift certicate from Bozwellz. I sure wish I was still bringing flowers to that restaurant. Then Bible Study at Sue's. Denny got home about 6 and we just talked in chicken coop and ate Bozwellz food. Denny showed Haley how to climb a tree this weekend. That's kinda what we are... up a tree.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

5/13/09 473

Wed. May 13 We got published on the web site Under "Do you know" section. John Larson came to talk about insurance this afternoon. Awana meeting tonight...20 for a potluck at church. Great food. Great feedback. Appreciate the prayers for us.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Tuesday May 12 Opened the rec center at 4:30 Then subbed at the middle school for Mrs. Freese in am and Mrs. Rohlk in pm. Mr. Freeman has taken another job in Neb. as superintendent. Lots of changes at school...quite unsettling for staff. We had pizza before the motorcycle meeting and stopped to visit with Howard and Anabel after the meeting. Denny spent quite a few hours on computer...looking on job sites,applying, take a lot of he made phone visits with about 3 contacts.

Monday, May 11, 2009

5/11/09 431

Monday May 11 I subbed for Kris Gunderson again today. Denny finished mowing the lawn. Stephanie, Elizabeth,Emily,Danielle, & Sarah were here for Bible study. With the rec center and getting up at 3:30, I just went to bed at 8 and told them to shut the door after themselves. Worked good.


Mother's Day May 10 Matt fixed breakfast and lunch. It was so nice to go to church and Sunday school with them. He let me take a picture of them for my Mother's Day gift. Calls from all my kids. I am so blessed. Thanks family! Sure do miss my mom. We got home about 5 and I went to evening church.


Sat. May 9 Fun Day! We left St. Joe early to go to the race in Lawrence. Matt ran 10 K in 47:55. We watched the kids at the preschool that was hosting the run and pancake feed afterwards. Luke and Karen came. She had taken her final final on Friday. 1 year of law school done...2 to go. We drove around the KU campus and walked downtown before lunch. Luckily, when we left we were able to keep Haley and Torren awake so we all got to take naps when we got home. (Denny slept in the car and when we got home.) Nice relaxing evening.

Friday, May 8, 2009

5/8/09 383

Friday May 8 I subbed for Kris Gunderson today and Monday. Fifth grade social studies and 6th grade English. Denny took the part off the mower and Howard went and got it welded...Remember Faith touch the controls LIGHTLY when you steer. Thanks Howard!!! After 3 letters from companies that Denny contacted saying the positions are filled, VT Indutries in Holstein emailed to say they would be glad to talk to Denny. That's more positive...PLUS we are on our way out the door to go to St. Joe. We thought about taking the Harley...but kind of rainy and cold and late. "BEST" news is that Mo Johnsons are headed to Lawrence for a race tomorrow am and we can go along and see Karen and Luke.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

5/7/09 363

Thursday May 7 Sometimes it seems like everything I touch breaks...yes, the dishwasher is broken and doesn't drain out all the water...yes, the lawnmower is of the steering shafts broke. I really enjoy mowing. I had hoped I could get it done before we headed to town. Guess I really shouldn't touch very much. We did go on a supper ride tonight. 6 bikes went to Auburn to eat at Shotz.


Wed. May 6 I subbed for Elementary art this am. It was fun. She had good activites for the kids. Denny and I finished processing pigs in the afternoon. Wed night church is showing "That the World may Know" Focus on the Family DVDs. I have a drawer with toys in my kitchen for kids to play with ...I don't think any of my kids had ever played IN it before Anabel.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

5/5/09 313

Tuesday May 4 Rec Center at 4:30...Call to sub at Alt HS I did...5 students in am and 3 in a teacher aid who has been doing it for 5+ years and knew what was going on... Denny had a Dr. apmt. and met with Jim at the bank. Before we ate we walked around yard, visited and I remembered that iheartfaces had a contest for faces and hats this week. Well, I didn't get it done in time........ but I did take some pictures of Denny and a hat. Enough said. Maybe next week.

Monday, May 4, 2009

5/4/09 282

Monday May 4 Denny worked on the computer this am and I got a call and I was subbing for elementary music in the afternoon. It went pretty well...just the last class of 2nd graders didn't have quite enough to do. We sang the new song to them "One eyed, one horned, flying purple people eater" Quite a few times... then they were to draw what they thought it looked like...then a couple more times singing...Still 5-7 minutes left of class...and purple colors were about starting to fly thru the air... NOT REALLY...but it makes a better story. Do you think the bird was purple...or the people it ate? Bible study tonight. Denny's cleaning motorcycle. Nice clean boy in the tub!

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Sunday May 3 I gave Laura and Stephen and Beth a ride to church today. This afternoon I went to a reception for Micah and Shyla Schmidt. AND a bridal shower for Nicole Stewart. I saw 2 goldfinches out in the deck while I was sitting in the sunroom. I really should put out a feeder for them. Church senior reception tonight.

5/2/09 237

Sat. May 2 Worked at the unit and then went with Denny's folks and his sister Linda to Blair Neb. Gary's family was putting on a graduation reception for Eric. It was really nice, especially the ride and visit with family. As a special treat Eric's band played at 3:30 for about half an hour. It was great sitting on their lawn and listening. Eric played the keyboard and accordian.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Friday May 1st I always remember May Day...and Denny's gift of love to me in college. No such basket this year. I worked at the unit 8:30-7pm. Then we came home and grilled hamburgers and ate and talked in the chicken coop. Denny's first May basket in grade school went to Liz Hilker. I saw her in IG. Her husband Alan last May was diagnosed with cancer, and after a long fight, he now is okay. BUT last week when he was putting ear tags on new calves a momma cow charged him and got him down. He had a cell phone and called 911. They called Liz and found out which field he was in. He spent a couple days in the hospital and is really hurting. Our lives can change in a blink of an eye...Keep looking to God.