Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Monday May 19 Well, I lost my voice. I don't have a sore throat, but last Tuesday my throat was very sore. Then Friday I subbed for PE and played soccer in the drizzle. The students said they didn't want to go out because they would be sick for graduation weekend. Hope they didn't get sick. I suppose it didn't help my throat. I'm suppose to sub tomorrow. Hope it's better. Today we had lots of visitors at the unit. The vet and sow owner came in the am. Then in the afternoon the BANKER and the sow owner came. It looks like we will continue as is at least until August. Denny is going to VT tomorrow to tell them (at least for the time being) we are not seeking other employment. This was the first day I was able to spend some time in the garden/flowers. It felt good but so many weeds. Stephanie, Sarah, Emily, and Danielle were here for study.

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