Wednesday, June 10, 2009

6/10/09 1080

Wed. June 10 After work I painted an old dresser. Then we went to Howard and Anabel's to visit about the unit, UBI, century farm, etc. Good buns and lemon pie. Good discussion at church.
My sister Nancy sent this site. She was reminded about us growing up with piano lessons and how we felt we were really doing good when we got to play a song on the piano that called for our left hand to cross over the top of our right hand to play a treble note.

Here is the blog...

You've got to love us...

We walked into the lobby of the Mayo Clinic and spotted a piano. We have been married for 62 years, and I will be 90 this year.It's all attitude. Enjoy!!

I remember Dad "playing" mom's keyboard in Texas when my kids were there. He would really laugh about this clip.

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