Up at 5 devotions, ran 2, folks for coffee. In Child Dev. class they watched The Debolts. In 2nd hour we read Don Johnson book. After school was a powderpuff football game. I got a few groceries, and pizza, then to Arthur. I worked on school stuff until Denny got done at 6. Then home and to the sun room for pizza for Howard's birthday. His birthday was Tuesday, but with Chemo that day, then Awana on Wed, and parade on Thurs. We had it today. He is 84, Evan is 4. Anabel is 82 Anabel is 2. Missy is 32. GGpa gpt a pumpkin for the kids, but they can't carve it yet. It's too early. Now I'm messing with the blog. Denny is up mowing at the unit. AND the pictures are not going on the blog. I'm frustrated.
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