Saturday, October 2, 2010

Sat Oct. 2, 2010

Slept til 6 and read devotions, coffee with folks, Denny andE&A. Denny worked in Odebolt this am. I came home and started to work on a sheet that tells the IEP agenda for Monday. I fixed steak and Ramen noodles and squash for lunch. Denny went out to mow at the unit. I worked on the Building Wings Reflection til 4 then Assignment #3. Kids are unpacking canoe trailer. I started on Rights without Labels. Denny grilled hamburgers and potatoes. YUM Best meal I've had in 2 months. We ate by fire pit on Jensens wire table. Blog still isn't uploading pictures for me. BUMMER!! It is so boring with out pix.

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