Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New year!!!

 Up for pickleball at 8:30.  I put together a couple puzzle pieces until 11 when I went to Fay's and "supervised" ie, sat and watched and did menial tasks.   I missed the polar plunge.  I went home and napped.  At 3 Denny and I went to Finchers.  It was a great meal with Finchers, Bransons, Hendesons, us and Nancy and Meg.  Surprise!!  Surprise!!!  Steve and Shery E. have rented Julie and Mike's RV.  After the fireworks we had a bunch over on the deck to meet some people in the park.  It was a great end to the year last night and a great start to the new year today.  I ask the Lord to lead me, guide me, and grant me wisdom.  

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