Monday, January 22, 2024

Yoga stretch

  I was up early and set the table for Kathy's birthday luncheon.  It ws cold and rainy and so I didn't put the birthday banner outside, but I put it in the living room.  I tried to order lisianthus from Grocery n sell, but they said I needed a broker.  I was bummed out, so I call Prairie Pedlar.  Jane H. said she would grow some for me and so I ordered 10 packs of 24 @$1  4 white,  The gals came about 11 with amazing food.  Lee brought a fruit arrangement, Joanna made an angel food cake.  Jean brought tomato juice,  Kathy brought an arming spinach strawberry salad.  It was so much fun.  We ate inside and then we ate the birthday cake out on the deck under the umbrella.  I texted Jensens and decided I am not heading to Nepal this year.  It just cost more than I had planned.  Bummer.  Lord, guide me.  

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