Thursday, January 11, 2024

Whew ... Got my laptop

Up at 5 to make banana muffins for Laurie and JR for holding my computer.  Uffda!!! Thank you Jesus!!!I picked up Carol and Laurie at their hotel.  We played pickleball with the gals.  Their spouses came.  Jeff, Laurie, Gail, Sandy and I played.  Carol and Scott went walking around the park.  They left and next we sat on the deck and visited.  At 1 there was a trip, fall, stumble seminar.  Gail and I went to the church garage sale.  At home we had cheese and crackers on the deck and salad for supper.  I went to play ponytail.  Denny is coming down with a cold and has napped a lot today.  Fun day!!!  Bruce fished in the resaca.

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