Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sunday October 9

It's pretty fun to have the Grands down before SS donuts on Sunday ams. I got some Awana store items at Dollar General yesterday, got them marked and took them to church. Last night we went to Teresa B. wedding. Actually Denny hauled out compost with Manure hauler yesterday until 1 and he went to the wedding in Danbury. I was lucky enoughto stay home and work on my class 431. He came and got me at 4 and we went to the reception. I got to wear my Denver dress ( which my girls helped me pick out.) Grandpa Alan came to visit the farm on Saturday. At the wedding it was fun to talk to people. Nice visit with Kristin Z. one of Mandy's classmates. Sunday afternoon I worked on an IEP. Denny washed the jeep and the pickup. Such a great husband. We went to prayer meeting at 6.

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