Saturday, November 30, 2013

Family together

As I was waiting for the kids to get home I found these texts from last fall.  They made me smile.

September 6, Message from Matt after moving to his new acreage:

No TVs or internet hooked up yet at our house so our kids are missing their Netflix and DVDs. #horribleparent #qualitytimeinstead.  .

Reply back from Luke:
#myfamilyuseshashtagsintexts #imnotentirelysurewhatahashtagdoes #hashtag #ithoughtitmeantpound

Another reply from Luke:
Karen said that was funny. It didn't even get an lol from you guys. #maybeweweremeantforeachother.

Reply from Matt:

Reply from Missy:
#3 is always funny...that is...(number3)
Lol on everything Luke says!!!!!

In the morning I made some onion dill rolls, Denny and I chopped some wood and moved it into the coop and white shed.
Didn't get the carpet cleaned.

It was a bummer that Mo. Johnsons weren't feeling very good so they headed home early in the afternoon. They got here about 1 Halley and Torren played hard for about 4 hours, Then headed home to St. Joe.   Denny grilled pork chops, We ate in  our apartment and then went out to the coop to play heads up.  Nice phone call from Mandy.

Friday, November 29, 2013

:) AT HOME :)

Wonderful to have today to be alive!!!  I spread out stuff in the basement and then Brooks came down to help me.  He sorted out my pills for me.  I loaded the stockings and got them ready to take to Dubuque.  In the afternoon I went to town to get a few groceries. I took some pictures of Jensens before heading to IG>  Fixed French onion soup for supper out in the coop. Got a phone call from Kirby offering a free carpet cleaning.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

Nice to sleep in after being up late.  Nice to get a call from a Colorado daughter on her way to work. Nice to sit and  visit with the sisters. (On a phone for Gail)  Arlen fixed a great breakfast.  Snacks for lunch and great meal at 5. We out together some bouquets before eating turkey. Stare home by 6.  Baby E is pretty cute.Tried to watch Netflicks on the way home

Left about 5 for Indianola.  Quite a discussion about can openers between Arlen and Denny.  Pretty funny.  Jean said we could each take 7 pieces of fabric home.  Lots to look at and choose from.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

To Indianola. :)

Great day spent the am looking at pictures if time past then read Boxcar kids to the Grands. Made rolls for Thanksgivibg left  for Jeans about 5. Stopped at Joes. T joes, that is.  Fun time visiting and talking about can openers.  Lots of laughs. Thank you Jesus for family and friends.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

My Friday...this week )

It was cold drinking a cup of Airborne this am outside waiting for the bus.  Oh yeah, I have a cold.  One English student gone today.  Another student also gone, One doing homework in office. The independent living students did a great job of fixing waffles  and sausage today.  A great job for me is NOT having the batter stick to the griddle and make a terrible mess to clean up.  After work Denny cleaned out the coop, I brought out pizza and we ate out there. Picture of baking of friend Diane and some pictures she took.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Short week

Nice to look ahead and not have to look far.  Pictures of OABCIG BB team and from Diane W.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Sat. Fun.

Got up this am. Kinda late.  Told Phillip I would watch and read to kids while he did chores.

Spiritual gifts ... was there for some of it.

Nice am.  The bedroom, blue room  and kitchen are clean, due to Denny's work.  Read to Grands while Phillip did some chores,  I went to Arthur about 10 and sat through some of Tom's teaching.  Good to visit and pray with Mary.  Denny and Phillip ground /mixed feed in am.  Pictures of the Red Wattle.

Friday, November 22, 2013


Early start to school.  I took flowers to school for resource ladies.  After school to Olde Town. Then home to clean the apartment ....

Thursday, November 21, 2013

No snow

Denny left for work before I got out of bed. Now that's a new one.  Independent living made meat loaf. I parsley potatoes steamed carrots and Rice Krispie bars. After school I picked up flowers and then to Arthur. I helped distribute food pantry items. Quite an impressive deal. I need to find out fromjj Mary for sure.  I think over 4000 pounds of food went to families.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Nice bright am.  An English student gone.  Another student went to the office to work first hour. Took two to Food Pride for Math and to get Independent living ingredients.  After school I headed to Arthur.  I was tired.  The night went fine.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

First Fall supper in the coop.

The weather was brisk but clear and bright as we waited outside for the bus to pass at 7 - 7:15 in am.  Looks like a pretty day. One English student not in class. Staff chat after school.  I invited them to a Friday after class.  After school I started a fire in the coop and made a pot dinner of fettuccine noodles, garlic, onions, cherry tomatoes and Parmesan cheese.  We watched the news and then took supper out to the coop.  Missy is working on her final project. Lots of time to put in.  Pictures of little Benjamin in the church nursery.  Duane B. was in a tractor accident today.  Lord, give the doctors and staff wisdom.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Double Fun at nursery at church

Coffee outside before we left for work. Exit for a senior at 3.  After school I came home and chilled with Denny.  I really don't know what I did today.

Triple the fun

I had an exit from the resource room at 3 pm.  Then to the grocery store to get a few things, grapes for staff meeting.  Both Denny and I were tired and so we watched a net flicks movie at 6:45.  What's eating Gilbert Grape?  Just another look at circumstances in my life.  Not really an escape from my reality.   It was nice to snuggle in a warm bed with my sweetie, though.  All my students were in school today.  Pictures of the triplets dedication yesterday.  So cute, they were all sleeping on grandparent's laps at the end of church.  What a miracle!!!