Friday, November 8, 2013

Hallelujah Friday

Chilly but sunny this am.  I am taking the Prius to school today.  Put the Jeep back in storage until bad weather.  The salesman did call Denny back and offer alittle more for our Prius, but probably not enough to make a switch for us.  Logan's last day,   He gave cookies that we had made to his teachers.  I visited with Flex ed teacher about a student. After school I stopped and Peck garage sale and Dose garage sale.  Then at home I watched kids and fixed supper while Missy worked on class and Phillip did chores.  We read Box Car Children. Great meal.  Marinated pork chops, salad, grilled potatoes, squash and onion, and chocolate chip cookies.  Nice visiting after supper, kids played and we talked.  Thanks, Jensens!! Picture of a neat Hand made Christmas ornament and Jensens last weekend.,

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