Last night after the trick or treating in Arthur we were driving the Prius and we came home... only to realize the bank car was still in Arthur. So I gave Denny a ride to Arthur at 7:15. My English students were there today. Two students were gone who really need to be in school. Uffta!!! We did a trial and error testing in science. After science I headed to Holstein for a homeschool field trip. We visited Shrimp 59 and Meyer petting farm. The shrimp farm was pretty neat. It was in one heated building. There were 11 pools in it with varying sizes of shrimp. They come in about the size of an ant and are in nursery tanks for about a month. Then they are moved to a different tank where they stay for the remaining 3 months where they are fed out until they are ready to be sold. I bought a pound of wiggling shrimp for 15 dollars. I carried them home in a zip lock bag with ice. Then we went to the petting farm. Great weather and so many nice families. Susan and I stopped to visit at the Inside Scoop. On the way home I thought about heading to Storm Lake to get groceries. I was too tired so Denny got some in IG. It was Laurie's last day here; Phillip comes home tomorrow from Nepal. Missy had mock trial for 7 and 8 graders in Counsel Bluffs today. She left home about 5 and was back home about 6:30. Denny and I visited while I cleaned the boiled shrimp. He got the ingredient for spicy mustard Shrimp for tomorrow noon. Nice day ... So good to be with home schoolers.

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