Saturday, November 9, 2013

Alan J's retirement party

Nice slow am.  I watched some of the Seven learner videos, much to Denny's dismay.  It put me back to sleep, but it woke him up.  About 8 he fixed me sausage ... yum ... taste test.  In am I got on the mower and cut down asparagus plants.  Then I ran over leaves and blew them away from the house.  That is my form of raking leaves.  I took dahlia bulbs to root cellar at folks.   Hope they make it through the winter.  If only I were more organized and knew which ones were which ones.  Jean called in am. Gail and Bruce are headed there for lunch.  They are taking pinata and t shirts for Schrums to take to Dubuque.   I read to Grands in coop before they headed to meet Jensens in Boone before retirement party tonight.  We napped alittel in afternoon then Denny worked on setting up a mass email for Awana leaders'parents.  I worked on school.  At 5:15 we are headed to Ames for Alan's party. Talked to Matt on the way there.Pictures from party and wedding planning in 2004

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