Saturday, November 2, 2013

I like Saturdays

I told Missy that I would watch kids and read Box Car children so she could sleep or do class work.  They fixed a neat fort.  See pictures on last Wednesday.  About 11 they helped clean my place, Missy got done with homework and went out to do chores.  Kids cleaned her house.  Evan cleaned kitchen floor, Anabel vacuumed and Brooks stirred the mac and cheese and put it on the plates for lunch. Great kids.  Denny and I fixed the Iowa Shrimp and ate it out in the coop.  Pretty tastey.  I worked on lesson plans for this week then went out and tilled the flower bed.  Denny worked on paying bills.  I planted 40 daffodil bulbs and 40 surprise lilies.  Then we went in to Dustin B. soup supper benefit.  Talked to Don W. At home we watched a cowboy net flix.  I slept and now I'm up.

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