Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Early out Awana

Up early. Glad to have students around this am. We planned food for Thursday in Independent Living. After early out we looked at stats that compared us with China and Mexico students. In PLC we watched at teacher on video. Then started looking at the book for PLC discussion. I stayed until after 6 working on classes for the next 2 weeks so I would be able to head home Thursday after school and process tomatoes with Missy. Good night at Awana. The kindergarteners really followed instructions well during game time. PIctures from St. Joe race, bounce houses before football game and Working Becky and her family as she heads up to the locker room during halftime. 30

Tuesday Sept 29 An IEP to work on

Up pretty early. Slept from 8:30-5:30 That's pretty good for me. I really should clean the kitchen before I go to bed, but this seems to work okay for me. Still it is a bummer to put away dishes in the dishwasher and put the clean dishes in the washer every morning. It all takes diligence, and last night I was just too tired to do it. At school Vicki is subbing for a teacher that will be gone for 4 days. She seems happy to be here. She said it is nice to eat with people and talk. There is another para gone for 3 days and I will be gone on Friday with a doctor's appointment. We cut up veggies during Ind. Living. A student missed the ride from Odebolt. At home I worked on an IEP. Denny grilled tilapia and I fixed sweet potato fries. So good. Denny finished cleaning the truck. It looks great!! 29 Pictures of Kane heading to school and from this summer when Jensens stayed out in a tent.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Here we go !!!

Up and going. I got a time set up for an IEP next Monday. At home I started to pick tomatoes at 4:30, Pick until time for the news. Then back out and Missy came over to pick also. We picked green and red peppers, too. Denny picked 60 pounds of Jalopineos. Uffta! Pictures from the flag football game on Saturday afternoon. 28

Sunday, September 27, 2015


I read devotions in bed.  Matt had to go early to church.  Deacons had 3 services with communion. We went to the second service.  The youth pastor candidate seemed like a nice guy.  He looked young with a pretty wife and 4 small kids.  We got pizza for lunch and ate it on the breezeway when Matt got home.  Extra concern when Piper came out of the garage with remnants of rat poison.  Little did we know that hydrogen peroxide helps with removal of food from a stomach.  Luke and Karen left for home after lunch.  Haley and I  went out and brushed Sundance.  We left for Torren's game about 2.  They played hard.  Fun to watch.  We headed up 29 to go home after the game.  I got caught up on DOL links for grammar practice.   It was a great weekend, AND Denny and I watched the super moon that night. Amazing!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Such a fun day in St Joe

I slept on the sofa in the movie room.  It was more comfortable on the sofa than on the pull out bed.  There were energy bites.  4 for runners and  3 for spectators, (unless you were Kane and took some whenever anyone offered them to him.)   The 3 pony express runners left for St. Joseph about 7 am.   Mandy ran the 5K.   Luke and Matt ran the half marathon 13.1 miles  in less than 2 hours.   We were there for the start of the race. We had fun driving to see the runners.  Karen and Jason navigated, Becky drove.  The rest of us got out and cheered.  After the race we went home and had sandwiches and naps. Sadly, Piper got into some rat poison, but parents  caught it soon enough that  no damage done.   Torren and I went to play catch with the  football.  We left for the game about 10 minutes before Matt first told us.   Kids loved the jump houses.  The game wasn't going the best for the Griffins so we went home at half time.  For some reason Matt and Luke were tired.   Second half the team played well and won the game. After Becky got home we ate great chili that she had made.  We also loved the peppered up pretzel recipe.  Oh yes and the cookie bars ... with frosting... and Haley's avocado glac.  We did not lack for food, very very good food. Haley took the 6 cracker challagne in 1 minutes from Jason.  All were happily in bed by 10:15.   Just tuckered out.

Friday, September 25, 2015

What to do this weekend ???

Feels good to have next couple weeks pencil in planned. Doing a Iphone update, it looks like it will take a while. Uffta. I am never sure when to accept the agreements. I called Matt. I could come down there. Cooks and Luke and Karen were headed there for the weekend. we three teachers had talked about making sure the paras knew that they were appreciated. I brought small pitchers and had them filled with flowers at Rentals. They turned out very pretty and the gals really appreciated them. Jason and Mandy picked me up about 6:45 and we left for Savannah. We got there about 10:30. 27

Thursday, September 24, 2015

IEP and work at school

Slept 9-4:15 :) Worked on IEP a little while lying in bed. It was a great gray rainy day as I headed to school. Kinda wish you could stay in bed and read. Last week/day of CSA. Scuffle and absence. I went and got a mom for IEP. It worked out well, even though it was a change in plans. She doesn't drive. We were done by 3:45. I am not organized in planning. I was a school until after 8, looking and penciling in the next 2 weeks. Jensens had meeting and taking the beast to get checked over, so Denny had gone over there and put kids to bed. When I walked in the door at home, it smelled great. Denny had cut up veggies all ready to grill. I didn't want to start the grill, so I fried them in a pan and went over to visit with him until Jensens came home. So good to talk to Denny and then Jensens when they got home. At the end of the CSA season, they are never sure they are going to do it again. We offered the Jeep for the boundary water trip. 26 Jason ran down, up ,Down,Up, the Grand canyon last Friday.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Awana tonight.

Headed to school. Planned food lab, one student absent, early out regular day. I ordered pizza on line for supper. It turned out very well. I made a couple of phone calls to students' parents for PD. We talked about Dollars for scholars. At Awana nice bunch of girls. 3rd and 4th grade. I delivered homeschool order to a family close by. Great to see the daughter who is visiting. 25

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Early with Supt.

7:15 get together at HS. Good communicator, nice to hear information. I left off the lawnmower tire to get fixed. So thankful I got to talk to a mom on the phone. I left school a little early after checking with Mr. Miller. Quick stopped and got the tire, then headed to Arthur to meet Jensens. I got to give Anabel a ride to gymnastics. She read the nicest story to me on the way down. On Tuesdays they read to an adult and need it signed. It was so fun to watch Anabel's class. Home and I got flowers ready for last CSA. Denny moved a huge amount of junk to the hole. :) 24

Monday, September 21, 2015

Another fun twilight mowing at the farm

Up and ready for school. Denny did a great job helping me make pictures for XC runners. The crazy printer did not like me. Pretty good day. Talked about amendments, IEP student leadership, and not taking academic time to prepare. I came home after school and fixed CSA bouquets. Then I mowed some of weeds/flowers/asparagus down. I could not sign into ouor home computer. Heck, I don't know why. Life is just that way sometimes. 23

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Sunday guest for lunch

Denny got Grands and I got Naka's for donuts. Made mac and cheese for lunch. It was loved. We took Nakas home and took naps after lunch. I worked on film clip. We went to prayer time at church. Then I went out and picked flowers for CSA on Tuesday.
Such cute SS kids. There were 4 for SS.


Sat September 19 Carroll XC meet

I picked up Laura at 7:15 and we left for XC meet. What a beautiful day. We walked alot and It was good to take pix of the various teams. Poor Laura, I drug her to see the runners about 5 times during their races. She is a trooper. We ate Mexican in Carroll, then made a Walmart run. I got home, picked some dahlias, and helped Jensen's pick beets. We decided to make chimmey chang as. They turned out great. Denny had worked inthe am and visited Mark afterward. Great supper with the Jensens, then home to study for SS lesson.

Friday, September 18, 2015

:) just smiling

I read my Bible last night, and tried to memorize a verse, but no luck. Thanks Lord for the day here at school. After school I went to Arthur and got my SS lesson book. Then home to wait for Denny. Anabel went to Cheer Camp in Odebolt and performed cheers before the football game tonight. It was fun to watch the little ones. The game score wasn't very good.  We left at halftime after watching the band.
Jason ran down, up, down ,up,the Grand canyon.


Thursday, September 17, 2015

Denny put cement chunks at Jensens

Wow, we were in bed until after 6. I left for school closer to 7:30 than 7:20. At school, thankfully a job shadow did not get canceled. Independent living fixed BLT and corn on the cob. One student was absent. Face friend gone. Thank you Lord for teaching me thru everything. I took a pamphlet to Vicki. Answered some texts from a mom about an assignment. Stayed at school until 7:15. At home Denny was driving the bobcat. I went to Missy's and visited with her. So nice to talk to her. In bed by 9 and now on the computer. Lord, help me with classes that I teach and personalities that I teach. 21

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Hair curl and cut

Denny left early for a series of meetings today. I did not find address labels when I went back to look. Honey moon is over. Please, Lord give me wisdom. I need your help. We had vertical pd in Odebolt because Internet was off in IG. I headed to Wall Lake after the meeting. Lots at Awana tonight. We had pizza from Sparkies. It was really good. I stopped at a house for yes powder. 20

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

CSA distribution

In bed I worked on FBA and BIP for a student.  Regular day.  So nice to have cottage cheese, avocados, and cherry tomatoes for lunch.  I headed home at four and took the hole past Henningsons much slower that I did yesterday.  No mistakes during pickup tonight.  I didn't send anyone home with a box of cherry tomatoes.  :).  I did give Kim L. a bouquet of lisianthus and autum clematis. .


Monday September 14 back to school

On the way home from school, I forgot about the hole after Henningsens. After school, I went out to get the flowers ready for CSA tomorrow night. The arrangements are dahlias, autumn sedum and autumn clematis. Then I helped Jensens pick cherry tomatoes and weigh them. Denny played with the grands and took them inside. The kids watched the movie that they started last Friday night and took baths. I worked on school stuff in bed. Denny looked at car information.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Valley free church

Alan fixed coffee for Denny before he left to go to church in DM. We left about 9. The Valley service was at 11. We ate MD breakfast. Then church. Then the Apple Store to get the camera part of Denny's phone fixed. Then to Trader Joes. We headed home, stopping at Denison Walmart. At home there was lots of unloading. Now to bed at 8. Pictures from September 2009

Saturday, September 12, 2015

31 to17 bummer!!!

Pretty morning. Grands spent last night here. Denny went to work. I started on an IEP before anyone was up and got a pretty good start on it. Kids went home after we made sugar donuts. I finished pretty much the IEP just in time to head to Odebolt with the Jeep which was making a noise in the engine. It was a broken water pump, that could have been worse if we had not taken it in so soon. They also found a family of mice ... 8 babies and one mama. Lovely. We left the Jeep at Beckmans and took the very clean Prius to Ames. Denny had driven it to Odebolt. The Prius had to be jump started, but he got it running so he could take it to work. He wanted to be the one to drive it for the first time after cleaning it. We got to Ames about 1 when the traffic was thick with tailgaters. 3 hours later we had a new Prius. High mileage red 2015 with 25,000 miles in 10 months. We drove it to Jensens and walked to the stadium, 1.8 miles away. All Cooks had gone into the game and we ended up watching the game on TV with a family next to the Cooks tailgate area. The gal I talked to was Becky M. 's sister. Small world. He husband drives truck and hauls pigs. He was coming to Aldags to get hogs this Wednesday. ISU lost. Trever R. name was announced on a play that he was in first half. After the game we saw Beth and Steven and walked to Mandy and Jason's car near the towers. They gave us a ride back to the stadium where they had to pick up the bike made for 2 that lost it's chain. They headed to Beth and Stevens and we walked to Jensen's. I was starving and so we got a Jimmy Johns sandwich. Boy, was it good!!! Jensens have a cute house right next door to their old house. Visited a little with Alan and headed to bed. Nice day. Nice new car.

Friday, September 11, 2015

It's a Friday

Up pretty early. Finished making Cowboy caviar for the Iowa / Iowa State tailgate snacks in the school. I made batch one corn, black bean and onion, One batch corn, red peppers and onion. They looked pretty cute. A teacher commented on it. A student was gone. Independent living we cut up carrots after taking a test. First hour ... so glad to get an enlarging machine working. Hopefully, that will make life easier. Who knew that pictures on this blog would affect friends?? on face. Missy and Phillip are headed to Ames for Earthen Institute meeting. I will get the kids and then plan to go to Arthur and we will all go to the extension office for supper. Then it is home to mow/ watch movies, etc. Looking forward to the night