Thursday, September 24, 2015

IEP and work at school

Slept 9-4:15 :) Worked on IEP a little while lying in bed. It was a great gray rainy day as I headed to school. Kinda wish you could stay in bed and read. Last week/day of CSA. Scuffle and absence. I went and got a mom for IEP. It worked out well, even though it was a change in plans. She doesn't drive. We were done by 3:45. I am not organized in planning. I was a school until after 8, looking and penciling in the next 2 weeks. Jensens had meeting and taking the beast to get checked over, so Denny had gone over there and put kids to bed. When I walked in the door at home, it smelled great. Denny had cut up veggies all ready to grill. I didn't want to start the grill, so I fried them in a pan and went over to visit with him until Jensens came home. So good to talk to Denny and then Jensens when they got home. At the end of the CSA season, they are never sure they are going to do it again. We offered the Jeep for the boundary water trip. 26 Jason ran down, up ,Down,Up, the Grand canyon last Friday.

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