Sunday, September 27, 2015


I read devotions in bed.  Matt had to go early to church.  Deacons had 3 services with communion. We went to the second service.  The youth pastor candidate seemed like a nice guy.  He looked young with a pretty wife and 4 small kids.  We got pizza for lunch and ate it on the breezeway when Matt got home.  Extra concern when Piper came out of the garage with remnants of rat poison.  Little did we know that hydrogen peroxide helps with removal of food from a stomach.  Luke and Karen left for home after lunch.  Haley and I  went out and brushed Sundance.  We left for Torren's game about 2.  They played hard.  Fun to watch.  We headed up 29 to go home after the game.  I got caught up on DOL links for grammar practice.   It was a great weekend, AND Denny and I watched the super moon that night. Amazing!

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