Sunday, July 31, 2016

I stand amazed at God's goodness

Thank you, Jesus, for all Matt and Becky and family got done.  I am amazed ... and so thankful.  Words can not express how grateful I am.  Grands visited SS.  Lots of visitors with Doses, Schmidts, Johnsons and Paulsrud friends.  Johnsons bought pizza that we had after the church meeting.  They had cleaned the basement, upstairs, garage, and taken extra basement stuff to the upstairs of the bunkhouse.  We napped and I went to prayer meeting.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Wow did they get a lot done!!!

 At 8:45 Mark came,  he did not have his grinder. :( called Mike and borrowed his.  He started taking out cement blocks.  9:45 Matt and Becky and family arrived. And joined in...   10:15 Mandy joined the party.   Awesome job. Got windows done as far as possible before lunch. After lunch, Johnsons tamped in dirt around window wells.  The job foreman on the bobcat awarded best tampers to Becky and Torren for the effort they put in especially near the window well.  Then they started on cleaning and repositioning furniture in basement.  Awesome to get it livable again!!!    Frank and Jenny came for supper. Matt grilled brats.  All to bed... Tired ... Got a lot done:)  Amazing!!!!
Left about 6 to head to SC.   Yes, Denny has a leligitiment injury. PCL. Will probably need total knee replacement

Friday, July 29, 2016

Friday Fun

Left about 6 to head to SC.   Yes, Denny has a leligitiment injury. PCL. Will probably need total knee replacement

Appointment with DrBissel Monday am to confirm it, but DrB called and said he scheduled surgery for Tuesday st 6:30.
Stress about undone egress Windows.
Called snd cancelled Texas trip.  I water walked at noon and went to bank and grocery store. At home, I did very little.  Matt talked to Denny and they are coming up tomorrow to help Mark.  Sure hope Mark can get stuff done.
Lord, guide us.
Yesterday I went thru some 4H camp pictures for the staff reunion in September. Many good memories.

Farmers market

Full day I made the sign for Farmers market. Way too early in the morning. Uffta!!
Checked kitties.  Picked tomatoes
Buns.(put on hot burner)  Coffeecake (burnt the bottom)
26 bunches of flowers 
Barely got house picked up
Packed car.  
Bible study 

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Jensen's vaca.

Up and picked flowers after Denny left for work. Went to neighbors before they left snd played a board game and  to listen to. The last 7 pages of a book Phillip has been treading.  Stayed at home, called IIpers, called bank, sorted mail put away stuff. Tried to copy some pictures for 4H camp reunion.  After supper we went to Cherry Creek.  Great visit.  I worked on FM sign during the night.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Widows lunch

Up early. Picked sunflowers for CSA.  Went to luncheon. So many lovely ladies there. Good to sit with Liz and see Rose I I headed to Holstien next snd met Mandy
Then home for CSA. Denny and I made 6 batches of pesto 

Monday, July 25, 2016

On the farm picking flowers and mowing

Denny's knee still hurts.  Uffta!! He has an apointment with Chiropractor at 2.  Mary Kay came over and helped put together white vases and flowers for Widows luncheon tomorrow.  Then I helped Jensens pick beans.
The Thrasher guys came to put in south wall drainage.  I mowed. Brent came with pea gravel.  After supper with Jensens M&P scooped out extra dirt from egress window wells and put in pea gravel that Denny brought up with the bobcat
In return we did a quick now job at their place.  Great 30 minutes

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Headed to the parsonage

I picked sunflowers for church.  We took Jensen cousins for donuts.  Only 2 in SS so we walked to Sparkies for donuts, also.  One gal said it made her day to get sunflowers after church.  Mark came over in the afternoon and marked the window size in the basement.  4 x 4 windows are really big.  It will let in a lot of light.  Headed to the parsonage for going away get together.  So sad to see Loziers leave.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Starting the hole and Wedding.

Looks kinda rainy today.  Dan came and started digging the hole
We got airplane tickets to go to Brownsville Aug 14-23.
Oh dear ... Denny just stepped on some of that loose dirt and the unexpected weight shift injured his knee .   He is hurtin' for certain.  We left about 2:30 for the wedding in Kingsley.  Pretty bride and nice celebration.  Great visit with the grandparents.  Denny's knee still really hurts.  

Take the Grands home

The grands slipped and "slided" about 2 hours this am. Also, cleaned the bunk house.  Quick pack stuff, make beds, they went to Missy's then I picked them up.  We ate with Grandpa in the Arthur park.  I left from there to meet Becky.  We met at church along 71 south of Atlantic.   I got some shoes for a wedding this weekend. At home we moved furniture out of bedrooms in basement,  got outside south of house ready for Dan the digger. And watched the sky while we laid on the trampoline.  Pictures from Thursday night glow run in Cherokee.  The girls had a great time, and then shopped crazy days in Storm Lake Thursday morning.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Farmer's Market and Grands

Denny left for work early.  We headed into Dose sale.  Ate at elem school. Treasures at doses. Basketball cards, 2 folding knives. 2 small cars. At home kids played outside til11. I put flowers together. And baked buns/ coffee cake. Bible study and grands watched video in basement. Egress Windows came about 2. One was damaged. Fun time at FM.  Jensens reach goal $ for vacation  Denny bought all honey lemonade.  I took 8 sets of flowers to Golden Horizon. At home. Dose GS bingo ( the free game Kane got then didn't want to play). Missy showed all their storm lake crazy days purchases. Sparklers at night

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Movie day

Full morning
Mandy stayed the night.  It took until 11 to get everything done.  Kids played at Missy's. I got flowers picked, laundry done snd folded,  kitchen cleaned, lunch packed,  (the kids made their sandwiches)   Sure ... On the way I read the tickets... And the matinee started at 12 not 12:30.   Well,  we made it to the theater just as the movie started. Uffta!!!
Faith really needs to check details I brought. Marshmallows to eat at the show. Hurrah for Alvin

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


Cinn rolls and hb eggs.  I made the flower bundles for CSA.  Kids played and started to watch. On your own
In to IG to get pizza. Eat in Arthur park with Loziers. Next to swimming pool
Evan passed deep end. (& Torren& Haley)
At 3 the pool closed and we went to REC center.  We got 2012 shirts.  Ate spaghetti in the deck after CSA. Girls watched K&K while their parents are with  Jensens

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Grands on the farm

I got up and picked flowers before grandpa fixed his eggs and bacon. Kids played outside. About 11 we went to IG the kids made and packed sandwiches
So we met gpa for lunch. Home to rest, read. The kids got the water slip and slid going as I started to mow. There was some concern about using your shorts on the slip and slide,   Luckily it did not take all night. Chick legs from grocery store and sweet corn supper. Denny and I mowed kids showered and watched a movie   Two batches of pesto

Got the Grands

I was up then back to sleep until 8:15
So donuts were a little late.  Five second graders in SS. Church meeting afterwards.  Lots of prayer for transition
Left at 2:20 to meet Johnson grands. South of Atlantic. At home we had sweet corn, ham sandwiches and a few roasted marshmallows 

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Pool party

We had breakfast .. Denny was happy. Sausage and scrambled eggs
Left for home about 9:15. Quick subway north of SC. 
Home about 2. Then to Marti B about 3. Right before I left I remembered and picked some flowers for Martha. Nice time. Great food 

Friday, July 15, 2016

Fun VK wedding

Great day!!
I worked in flowers/weed.  Transplanted snaps to places here there was support.  Put miracle grow on dahlias.  Planted some zinnias put miracle grow on lisies left goodenows about 10:45 for Huron SD.  Got to our motel after nice drive and good visiting about 4.  Headed to church. About 5.. And none too soon with road costtuction.   Great music at wedding ... Ken sang.  Ben and Ken sang with others.  So pretty. Household of Faith
Such a treat to see all the V
VK kids and families,
As we stayed around they all came to visit us.   Thankful for God's blessings in friendships