Saturday, July 2, 2016

Heading to Savannah

Denny headed into work at Odebolt. I cleaned the kitchen and got the makings of a tea party ready to choose and use. I had thought about weeding, but did n't make the time. Anabel and Hope came over and set the table, and dishes and made the tray of food. I took the sister's phone call then the tea party began. Afterwards we picked flowers for families after church. Everyone came over and we took pictures in front of the barn. We thought we would be taking the Harley, but Savannah was having torrential rain was forecaste in Savannah, so off we went in the Prius. It rained all the way and would have been miserable on the bike. Kane had 2 families from church and Greg and Marion, who work with Becky at his party. The kids made mini pizzas and we had pulled pork sandwiches. He got lots of great gifts. There were 10 kids and 10 adults. This is a great house for party when it is raining. There is a lot of room to spread out. Nice night.

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