Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Car to Carroll

Up and had devotions in the sunroom, Started picking flowers for FM.  Hung out with Denny until he left for work.  Out to finish picking flowers.  12 groups of 10 snap dragons. Made arrangements for GL  and Sandy.  I wrote letters to the board members.  Lord, be with them.  Such a hard job and Satan attacks.  Please bless their efforts and go before them.  I headed to Arthur to drop off some flowers, then to Odebolt to pick up Brooks and Anabel.  They headed with me to West Side.  We visited Sandy H. garden.  Lovely!!!  Then to Coon Rapids to get clothes for Denny ( swim suit).  Then to Carroll to get the oil changed on the Prius.  (The real reason for the trip.)  They did not have a loaner car for us,so kids played with building blocks and had 3 cookies each ... on my suggestion.   Kids were awesome the whole afternoon.  We went to New Hope and Brooks got a right and left hand baseball  hand glove.  Next stop a Farmer's Market.  Then quick to Wal-Mart.  And we made it to Arcadia Locker to pick up Jensen's half a hog before 5.  At home Denny and I made a windmill walk, about 2 miles to site south of the unit, then path to Jensens, then home.   Denny grilled sausage for his supper.  We started to make pesto about 8:50 and worked until about 10:15,      It is wonderful.  Not sure which recipe we like the best.  Fun to do together.

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