Friday, July 1, 2016

The Z's are visiting the Jensens

Beautiful morning. Clear, crisp cool. I worked on updating this blog in the early am. About 10 I went out and pulled the weeds between the asparagus. That was a job. The rain last night made it possible. Some of those roots were a foot long. Uffta! I started to week the triangle bed. I used the dixon to mow around the house and then switched to the grasshopper to mow the big areas by the trampoline, up the road ditch, across the road, and up to the farrowing house. Denny came home from work and we chilled on the deck, then I quick went in to make 2 salads and we went to Jensens. We ate supper with them and Z. Great to visit and see the kids so busy and happy playing out side. Fun night and I got a lot done during the day.

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