Tuesday, January 31, 2023

PB. Nancy’s appointment

 Slept til 6:30.  Went with Hendersons and young Bruce to Funnsun and played PB until 11;15.  Meg fixed is soup.  When Denny got back from his haircut he showed me how to take  Nancy cart apart and load in Prius. We got to her Dermatoligy appointment early.  They tested 3 spots on her body.  The first PA said that all the spots were ok.  When the Dr. came in the thought that one spot looked like it could use a re biopsy.  We set up another appointment in 2 weeks to get the results.  Gail met Nancy and me at Texas Thrift.  Nancy was really happy to ride around on her cart and at look at the stuff.  We picked up Churches Chicken for supper.  I took a quick nap and then we went to the dance by Helen Russel.  It was fun.  We helped Bill get home. 

Monday, January 30, 2023

Girls golf

 I set my alarm for 5 am, made coffee and took it down to lot 400.  Jean, Jane and Arlan headed north at 6am.  I worked on the puzzle and listened to a book for an hour.  Then I went home until pickleball time.  We played until 10.  Then it was time for girls golf.  Gail, Lou, LeAnn and I were one team.  Gail, Jackie, Joyce,  Mert, Linda, Marilyn,   We ate at C and C.  Denny and Nancy made Rice and Chinese veggies for supper.   Gail drove Bill, Sandy, Bruce and me to the Brownsville Sports Center.  We played pickle ball until 7:30.  They came for supper.  I went to bed to work on the blog and listen to the book. 

Sunday, January 29, 2023

4 Seasons Golf Scramble

 Bruce came over for coffee while others were at church.  We listened to Pastor Dave on the deck.  We stopped and shopped at Wallmart.  I played Golf with Bill, Dave and Gene.  Denny took pictures and brought something for us to drink on hole 15.  We shot par and got first in second flight.  payback of $60.  Gail and Bruce had about 50 peoples over for snack/food.  Life is good.  

Saturday, January 28, 2023


 Gail drove me, Jane and Sandy to yoga.  It was raining when we got back to the park, so no pickleball.  I worked on the puzzle.  Jean and Arlan bought Marilyn’s trailer home.  I went with Jean, Jane, Arlan, and Gail to the pot shop.  One was $10 and blue.., and mine;). Denny and I went to the car show in Harlingen.  It wasn't what Denny was looking for.  There were no tire ideas for the Pontiac.  

Friday, January 27, 2023

Family to Joe's Oyster Bar

 Up early for DAB.  We're out of eggs, so Denny is headed to Gordon's.  Jean took Nancy to choir.  I went with Bruce to fish.  It was a gray day, but I enjoyed spending time just watching.   We went to eat at at Joe's at 5.  Nancy, Bruce Gail, Jane Denny, me, Jean, Arlan, and Meg.  

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Slow day ... Taco bar at night.

Pickleball at 9:15.  I listened to the book while I tried to put the puzzle together.   Denny was on the computer writing to Melissa D., the car guy that has the jeep, the tire guy that he ordered tires from, Etc. Etc.  I was just around all day listening to an audio book.  The taco bar at the park was amazing.  I played ponytail, then home to bed.  Well, I guess I shouldn't go to bed too early,  I wake up several times and have a hard time going to sleep.  

Books read

1.  Maid  Stephanie Land  Reflection on single mom earning money by cleaning.  9 hours  1/2023 

2.  Father and I were Ranchers  Ralph Moody  Family moved to Colorado to start ranching. 8 hours  1/2023


Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Louis back yard Music

 Up early and read DAB.  We left about 10 for Louis back yard music.  Nice day.  Fun to watch the music players. It was a good day watching friends.  We stopped at C&C s for 2 for 1 wings.  Then home and to bed.


Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Sisters Plus

It ws too wet for pickle ball this am.  AND windy.  So probably the sister get together will be under the car port.  We heated meatball, crab rangoon, Jean did cheese board and Gail strawberry/pretzel.  Nancy figured out a bingo/ matching game.    It was a nice afternoon. Karen and Leann, Jan and New,  Linda, Carol, Karla, Sally and Linda, Gloria and Kay. Gail, Donna, Fay, and Monica.  

Monday, January 23, 2023

Celebrating those who have been married 50 years

 Pickle ball  in the morning.  At home we had coffee on the deck.  I went to church to sort donations in the storage room.  There was a celebration for the 28 couples in the park the have been married for 50 years or more.  Lois and Lloyd have been married 66 years.  TWENTY EIGHT  That's a lot!!! It was such a nice program.  Newly wed game, Saxophone by Sandy, Reading by Joann, Cake and Ice cream.  At night Jane fixed supper for us.  Chicken, beets, potatoes, It was great!!!  I sure appreciate our family time together.  

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Chinese by Finchers Kathy is spending her birthday on the island.

 I slept in and went to Finchers to see if they were up.  Jerry woke up Fay and we went to set up the tables in the dining hall; it took a while to figure out how we could sit 36 people.  Fay was moving the tables, and I gave her a chewing 'cause she has a bad back.  She said,"Don't you talk to me that way, mean like.  It's even in your eyes."  I said 'No, mam,  Don't you be moving tables."   She worked on the banana dessert while I set the tables.  She was happy to have me mess with it.  I had picked branches from the bush between Joan and us and used them on the table with little purple flowers that I cut from bushes by shuffle board courts.  It looked pretty.  We went to church and at 1 pm we ate Chinese fixed by Finchers.  It was so organized and fun and yummy.  Great to visit with Schrums, Bruce , Meg and Jane. on the deck.  I wrote out info for Tuesday Sister's Plus get together at 4 pm.  Then I folded damp napkins.  It looks like there may be about 21 gals who may come.   Once again I am not able to air drop pictures to this blog.  Uffda!!       Denny helped fix it.  My phone wasn't on the wifi.   Uffda!!                                                 


I did a collage for Kathy's grand daughter.  

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Saturday in

We headed to Yoga.  The Farmers Market is always fun to be at.  Jane, Sandy, me and Gail drove.  Back at the park we looked at remaining  days and tried to figure out meals/menu.  We are planning to eat at Joe's oyster bar on Friday night, and have a Sister's Plus (female kin) happy hour on Tuesday.   Jane shared her hamburgers for supper.  


 Part of the problem with the word 'disabilities' is that it immediately suggests an inability to see or hear or walk or do other things that many of us take for granted. But what of people who can't feel? Or talk about their feelings? Or manage their feelings in constructive ways? What of people who aren't able to form close and strong relationships? And people who cannot find fulfillment in their lives, or those who have lost hope, who live in disappointment and bitterness and find in life no joy, no love? These, it seems to me, are the real disabilities. ~Fred Rogers (Book: A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood https://amzn.to/3wg4QP8) 

Friday, January 20, 2023


I went to church at 7:30, I had called Bertha and talked to Dave to get the ok.  The storage room was full and I tried to sort and move.  It really didn't look any better when I was done than when I  started.    I picked up Kathy at 10 and we headed to the island.  T'was fun to look around and shop.  At the market I got pink sliders, a pink jacket and water free plant coaster.  At 3  we went to the horse races, my lucky #6 won 4 out of 7 races.  Later that night I went to help Fay make Chinese food for the Sunday brunch.  It's gonna be great!!!  At home we watched 2 Blue Blood shows.  

Thursday, January 19, 2023

A no plan day

 I got up for 2 days of Devo.  Six ladies played pickleball for about a hour and a half.  I texted Christ Church of the Valley, but didn't get a hold of Bertha.   At night there was a Kenny Rogers look alike concert.  Arlan came in on the evening flight.  We chilled on the deck in the evening.   

Wednesday, January 18, 2023


 I planted the rest of the blue bonnet seeds.  I went to Gail's and sewed 4 pillow cases from a sheet.  At 9 Bransons picked us up.  It was a warm gray day with lotsa big waves.  Well, they didn't catch any fish, but Joyce and I had a nice time sitting on the beach.  We stopped at the Hopper Haus for lunch.  I had a brat and a drink.  The guys had wienerschnitzel.  At home Denny visited with Melissa D. at 3.  Some are playing pickleball and going to CNC wings, but we just stayed home.  I filled out a form and visited with Melissa  D.  At night we went to the hot tub.  Another good day in the Valley.  

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Greek meal

 Pickle ball at 8.  Planted little seedlings, basil.  Visit with Fay.  Planted bluebonnets in soil cubes.  Went to have picture taken for Park book.  

Monday, January 16, 2023

Gal's Golf

 Gail, Jean, Jane and I were up and going to Texas Thrift for MLK half price sale.  We cane home to have show and tell with Nancy.  Then a little pickleball,  Golf with 13 gals and CNC Wings, and home for Denny to grill steaks and potatoes, Denny's now in the hot tub.  

Sunday at the beach

Slept in til 7.  Others left for church, Bruce joined us for coffee on the deck. I put him to work squeezing oranges.   We chilled when he left and headed to the beach to listen to Pastor Dave on our head phones.  It is relaxing for me just to sit and see the waves, feel the winds, and watch the people.   Bill and Sandy were there so we went to SPI for snacks. We had fried cheese curds, pickles and mushrooms.  At the park we went to the hot tub, I worked on a puzzle and home and to bed.  

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Wait and play

 Up for coffee and breakfast in the park.  T'was good.   Gail and Bruce were playing pickleball at 8 at Fun n Sun.  Bruce and I went up there and got to see their silver match.  Bruce H back was really hurting.  They got second.  About 2 Bruce N and I played.  We lost the first one, won the next 2, and lost our 4th match.  Then we went to CNC Wings.  

Friday, January 13, 2023

Fun N Sun pickleball with Gail

Up for devo.  Gail and Young Bruce came to visit.  We headed north at 9:15.  Gail and I played Pickleball at 10:30.  We ended up second.  We made it home for the park fish fry and Leslie's dance after the meal. 


Thursday, January 12, 2023

Pickleball x 2

Up and frustrated as I try to make a blog 2 print book.  UFFDA!!  Now it's on ... Now it's off ... Now it's on ...  I went to play pickleball 9-11.  Denny and I took the long way around to get the Prius serviced.  We stopped at Kay's cactus which was finally open.  Big plants at good price.   When we got home we decided to fix supper.  Brats, corn, salad, onions, guacamole.  Bruce, Meg, Sandy, Bill, Nancy Jean,  Jane and us.  It was a great beautiful night.  Good friends, Good visiting, Good food. beautiful setting.  It got chilly and so we went outside.  

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Catch up day

Bruce and Jean stopped over for coffee before 7, so that was good.   It doesn't look like there is much going on today.    Hurrah!!!  I might try to get caught up on the blog and get it ready to be printed at Blog2print.  I spent time last night bringing the picture number from 1250 -75 pictures to 1175 (which can be printed in each Blog2print book).   Making collages helps immensely.  I like my pictures!!  I mainly sat on my chair and worked on the book.  We went to the pool/hot tub. UffDA!!

 I really need a 50% off coupon to print the book.  

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Happy Birthday Mandy!!!

 Thank you Jesus for my youngest child.  Continue to bless her life as she adds joy to the lives of those around.  

I played PB until 9, then showered, washed my hair and we headed to Progresso at 9:15.  Jane drove Jean's car.   We got our toes done and ate at Arturos.  Denny bought a belt and bought me a dress.  Nice day.  I bought 2 tables for Nancy.  

Monday, January 9, 2023

Girl's golf

I woke up at 7:30 ... about in time to play pickle ball at 8.   T'was a good morning.  Then I came home to wash my golf clubs.  We left at 11:15 to plays girls golf at Brownsville Golf Center.  Jean, Jane, Kathy M and me one team.  Gail, Joyce, Leann, Donna, and Marilyn another.  Meg, Lou, Gail and Mert. 13 of us!!! Nice group.  We went to CandC afterwards.   Bruce was fishing/+ on the dock.  At night Bruce and Meg shared Church's chicken with us for supper.  YUM!! 

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Happy Birthday Matt!!!!

Happy Birthday, Son!!  It has been our joy to have you in our lives.   And now with your family .... our hearts are full .... really full.  Thanks  Have a great day/week/year/life!

I got up to make coffee about when Nancy went to church with Hendersons.  Bruce came over and Denny fixed us breakfast.  We went with Bruce to 77 Flea Market.  We didn't find the dresser he was looking for, but I love to look at stuff.  Later Denny and I went to SPI and sat on a chilly beach with an overcast sky and listened to Pastor Dave.   Love Sundays.