Monday, January 30, 2023

Girls golf

 I set my alarm for 5 am, made coffee and took it down to lot 400.  Jean, Jane and Arlan headed north at 6am.  I worked on the puzzle and listened to a book for an hour.  Then I went home until pickleball time.  We played until 10.  Then it was time for girls golf.  Gail, Lou, LeAnn and I were one team.  Gail, Jackie, Joyce,  Mert, Linda, Marilyn,   We ate at C and C.  Denny and Nancy made Rice and Chinese veggies for supper.   Gail drove Bill, Sandy, Bruce and me to the Brownsville Sports Center.  We played pickle ball until 7:30.  They came for supper.  I went to bed to work on the blog and listen to the book. 

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