Monday, December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas

 I woke up to see snuggling in early morning light.  Haley & Rose and Kane & Lincoln were so cute, just watching the tree lights.   I fixed eggs bacon, fruit that we grazed on all morning.  About 9 Denny started by reading the Christmas story from the Bible.  We opened gifts, lots nice things.  The kids played with toys.  Tyler got a drone that was interesting to run.  Denny tried in the house and there were lots of banging into walls and ceilings.  Cooks got a pingpong table (that Mandy didn't know she said she would like) and a bike rack.  Matt got a toothbrush & smoker, Becky-saddlebags and shirt.  Karen - a robe, Luke-a jiggler, Haley- 2 books, TJ-Cologne, Kane-  Hallie made a pretty charcuterie board that we devoured and we opened, played, the gifts we had gotten.  Z J's  About 4 we had smoked brisket, party potatoes, corn on the cob in the garage.  I used the china dishes from Mom.  It took a while to clean up with the dishwasher and lots of loads.  At night we played games from Christmas. 

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