Friday, December 1, 2023

off to Dubuque

 I was up and got corn relish dip done to take to Dubuque.   We went to IG and made a purchase at Carlie U's . pop up shop by Simply Rustic.  That place looks so great with the big high windows AND all the cool stuff in it.  We headed to Dubuque at 11.  Mandy and Jason left about 45 minutes after us.  On the way they found out that John was going to Omaha to have liver/bile duct work done.  Quite frustrating ... they were hooping the procedure would be done 10 days ago.  They decided to take us up o our offer.  Jason would drive their car to Omaha to be with his family,  we would bring Mandy and the boys back to Cherokee on Sunday afternoon.  After we checked into our rooms we headed to the water park.  I realized I do to need to go down water slides.  Actually the thought was quite freeing.  I did not really enjoy the walking on cables and the hurry hurry, hurry to do it again. I was down at Craig and Marilyn's room when Luke and Karen got to Dubuque around 9.  Nice to have family here.   Good to see all the cousins.   In a way it seemed like they were really appreciating being together.  I think the sobering loss of Christy made us all realize that life is precious.  Cousins decided to go to the casino and we listened for the 4 grands.  Next time I will sleep in Lukes hotel room until they get back.  Too hard to have their sound machine/facetime monitor going and not know if they are back or not:)

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