Sunday, March 1, 2009


Sunday March 3 Four of us went for donuts before SS this am. Denny dropped us off at church and went to talk to Mark Wunschel at Sparkies. I kept Anabel with me during church...hoping she would nap in my arms. She started to snuggle in and take the bottle during the sermon looked hopeful...2 ounces...3 ounces...4 ounces...5 ounces...Then she sat up and erped up a good 2 ounces down my leg. Of burp rag...just a soft cuddly taggie for her to snuggle in with while she slept. It now became a soggy taggie. She was awake and pleasant thru the sermon. After church I met with some who were planning a shower for Micah Schmidt's fiancee. I gave A to Denny and the next thing I looked over and she was sound asleep on his shoulder. That's what I was hoping for. We all had naps this afternoon. Denny went to church at night and I gave baths. Noneventful nice day. I was kinda hoping to connect with the Missouri Johnsons again before they headed south, but no such luck this time. E kinda had a melt down after church and it didn't seem like a good idea to head north to Kingsley for lunch.

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