Sunday, March 22, 2009


Sunday March 22 Phillip, Michael Ward, Cody Cooper, Ryan Rydberg, and Kate Bergman were the praise team for church. It was such a blessing. Sarah Ward was so thrilled to have her son and brother Cody in the team. Many thanks to Phillip for the time invested in their lives. We went to Pizza Hut afterwards. Long naps in the afternoon. Donuts in am with Evan. Denny lead the parenting SS class with pastor (and 7 other couples) being gone to Weekend to Remember. Denny had written a Iowa motorcycle magazine "Throttler" to tell about our club's challenge to visit places in Iowa. Teri Meyer,one gal in Ida Grove's club, visited 47 of the 50 places in the challenge. She has pictures to document it and lots of stories to tell. They were interested in the story and asked him to e mail some pictures of us seeing the sights in Iowa...WHY ELSE WOULD YOU HAVE A PICTURE TAKE WITH A HUGE BULL IN AUDUBON IOWA???

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