Friday, December 25, 2009

Mon Dec 20

12/20/09 I went to the folks for coffee, then to the unit. Malcolms said there would be a better chance to look at and fix the washer the earlier it came in. I took it in by 10. Then back to the unit to disinfect 5 farrowing rooms. It took a while. I haven't done it for a long time and didn't have a system. Plus the hoses were pretty kinked. I was making my last fill of disinfectant and it dropped and a splash of full strength disinfecant went in my right eye. I was scared, went to the office and washed it under lukewarm water faucet water, hurried to finish spraying the room and put the equipment away, rinsed my eye out some more, hurried home, called the eye doctor. He had a 2:30 opening. Called the folks, Howard was willing to take me in. The Dr. gave me a prescription for antibiotic and a second bottle eye medicine. This was not what I had planned for today. I was going to watch grandkids so parents could spend some time together. Instead of going out Matt & Becky and Missy & Phillip came home and we visited. (NOT in front of the Christmas tree because we didn't have one yet.)

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