12/31/09 I can't believe I actually got one whole year blogged. I should look back and see what all went on. It's been a pretty good year. Lots to be thankful for. Kim L. called this am. Two nights ago she was in her kitchen after the family was finishing eating supper. She fainted/ fell to the floor/ was having a seizure/ turning blue. Tom gave her CPR and they called an ambulance. After checking her out in the Storm Lake hospital the past 2 days, everything looks fine. She may just be one of 60% of people who have a random seizure once in their lifetime. She isn't suppose to drive for 6 months and they are not having their usual New Years Day get together at their home. My, oh, my, we never know what a day may bring. May you all know who much we appreciate and love each of you. Denny's folks came over for roast pork supper tonight. Earlier we had discussed what we could be doing these next few days. We each made a list...Denny said we should include the amount of time we felt each project could /would /should take. Amazing after 36 years we had about the same list of possible jobs...and the total came to 18 hours in each of our lists. Guess we have our work cut out for us...should we choose to take the assignments. :) We were going to start on taking out the brick and board storage shelves from the basement to the machine shed before the folks came over. This was to make room for the baby crib in the furnace room and leave more room in the yellow room. I had removed/ sorted/ trashed/ restashed all the stuff that was on the shelves. Well, when Denny pushed the garage door opener...(without first prying the heavy iced door up from the cement garage floor) ...it broke. Add another 1 1/2 hour job to the list. It did get fixed before we went to bed. Instead of watching the ball fall in New York City. I watched Denny on a ladder in the garage and the tools fall. Happy New Year!! We did go to bed before 12. Fuddy Duddies.
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