12/17/09 My plans were to go to Ginny A's for lunch today. Instead I got a 6:30 call to sub at the HS in IG. Hurray!!! It was for the art teacher who has a 5th hour planning period. I got to spend almost an hour with the gals from Thurs Bible study before heading back to the HS for 6th hour. It worked perfectly. Denny had perhaps his best day yet. 3.25 out of 5. He stayed at the bank until almost 7 getting ready for Friday. I was getting ready for tomorrow's luncheon at my home. Denny has had a cold that has been bothering him. I told him about an Email from Betty S. that tells of a treatment for persistant cough. You put Vicks vapor rub on the bottom of your feet. Then put on your socks. His cold seems to be getting better. Who would have thought.
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