Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Monday Nov. 8

Up at 5 - dev - ran 1- Evan went with me to coffee at folks. Then he and I headed to school. Missy brought in the other 2 at 8:30 ( for a 6-12 month old observation time for the child development class). Fun to have them at school. AT 3 there was an IEP meeting for K. -2 hours- 2 case workers, 2 lea, Cathy for AEA, Vicki, 2 parents, 1 student and me. Plus there was a conference call from Emmetsburg SAFE. What would I do without the constant support and love from this guy? At 5:30 I headed home, ate a bite of wonderful chicken casserole, picked up Whitney H. went to Bible study at Danielle's, came home and crashed at 9:15. Missy had a dr appointment about her back. Denny started to pull out fence posts south of the house. He called about doing the floor in basement.

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