Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Monday April 25

Another great day in the Valley. We took Jack and Gloria to breakfast at Denny's. At Four Seasons we started to clean. We had sandwiches for lunch and went to the Zoo after lunch. Denny had never been there. The last time I was there we got a wheel chair for mom and pushed her around. Some of the exhibits there are of vanishing animals. We saw a baby addax born. It is one on the vanishng animals. Pretty cool, we didn't stay to watch it stand, but we saw the mom give birth and lick the baby. Denny got the bug and started taking movies with his phone ... for the Grands. We fixed scotta's for supper. "Scotta" get out of the refrigerator/freezer we are unplugging it tomorrow. Pretty good meal. Hot tub at night.

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