Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Church ... been gone the last 3 weeks

Up and took Grands for donuts. After church to lunch at hospital cafeteria with Laura and Gordon and Sue. Now home to order Temple Grandin DVD and update blog. I enjoyed SS class with 9 - 10 other gals. Studying Ester with Beth Moore.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Hurrah At home!!

Stayed up last night working on an IEP in bed. I have no life. Denny fixed my sausage for breakfast. A treat!! Cleaned and vacuumed in basement. Fixed donuts and took The Box car children out to read in the coop. Beautiful day!!! Missy and Phillip have started to move things to their new home. Denny worked n am and then helped move stuff in, We ate at 2 outside. He used bob cat to refill holes for new waterline. He took lots of pictures. I picked flowers for church. AND helped Anabel sort out her art supplies. We had tacos for supper then waited for Neal S. to bring apples that the bank will give to customers. 25 bushels in walk in cooler. We sat out at CSA and chilled and then in to watdh Netflicks. Nice day Rehearsal pictures:

Friday, September 26, 2014


Denny went out to see if shut off valve was correct.   Shortened classes in afternoon to make time for powder puff football. I got pizza and came home and we visited with Missy while she sorted clothes. Phillip is in Rochester at LaBrie. Kids are at friends. We watched Netflicks at night. Wedding Rehearsal pictures:

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Homecoming parade

At school staff wore black for Mr. M's birthday that ended with a zero.  Kinda fun.  The students have done a great job dressing for Homecoming.  Tuesday was Togos.  Lots of cute white and colored togos around.  Wednesday was celebrity and today character.  I have been impressed. Indepedent living fixed taco bisquits.  Needed lots of direction.  I worked until 5 and then picked up the Grands at the city park.  Phillip was done with CSA and he and Missy headed to their rental to do some fixing.  Kids and I had UBI grilled sandwiches and watched the parade.  Denny had been grilling and joined us to watch the parade.  Evan was happy he got to eat/sit with his friend Jackson.  Also, Anabel and Brooks were with friends.  Denny took them home and I headed to coronation and super class night.  Very fun!!  Odebolt brought over a good tradition when the 2 schools joined.  Pictures from the parade.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Hair cut

I had fixed hamburger in the crock pot for supper tonight, just added Cookies BBQ.  2 pm early out for another session of PLC/PD Close reading.  Lynzie and Donna have been gone these last 2 days at an Autism training.   I took contem issues papers home to read.  Interesting.  Quite a difference in paper writing skills.  Over to Wall Lake, then Awana.  Nice day.  Water pipe borers came today and hooked it all up.  Amazing.  We didn't get a chance to look at it.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Take tickets for volleyball

T25   Two/ three staff gone from room today.  After school I headed to Shopko to use a $5 off $25 purchase certificate.   I think I really spent the $33 on stuff I really didn't need.  Back to school to take tickets with R. Marra.  It was fun to visit with her.  Her folks are heading to Mackinaw Island.   I had her tell them a couple places to go.  Not much happened today.    I got a free bottle of Mountain Dew for taking tickets.  Concern about pop after I drank it.  Will keep working on what is best for my body.

Monday, September 22, 2014


No T25. After school 2 teachers got ready to go to clinic for Tuesday and Wednesday. Let student into building and got an assignment done. Missy and group had gymnastics. Denny mowed at the unit. Denny had a 2 pm appointment at the house. I got flowers for CSA. 90+ dahlias.  It was a beautiful sunrise and then I looked to the west and there was a beautiful rainbow.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Great day for football ... Torren style

Great way to wake up with 2 grandsons coming into our room.  Kane wanted us to hear it's all about the bass.  We left for church about 7:45.  They are redoing their santurary, so we met in the gym.  Matt has a nice SS class.  Then home to relax. Becky fixed cheesey potatoes, corn and green beans.  We were outside with the kids.  Beautiful day.  Torren's game was at 2.  They play on an indoor field that the Chiefs practise on during their summer training.   Torren is a go getter, but they lost.  The other team scored only once.  Last game the opposing team scored 65 points, so defense played well.  Torren's team practises in Matts front yard on Thursday nights.  We headed home after the game.  Hendersons are in DM at a musical, so we'lll meet up with them another time.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

In St Joe land

I read in bed before getting up. When I turned on the room light 3 Grands came in the room.  Fun just being around in am.  Becky made cookie cake.  We ate sunflower seeds out on the deck.  We had a pizza tailgate before the football game. Becky did an excellent job while we watched the first half of the game.  Such a fun time.


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Friday Head to Matt and Becky's home :)

After school I came home. Denny got off work. We met Gary in Avoca and got some items from estate. Got to Matt's about 11. Stayed up too late visiting. So good to see them. YEA!!


Slept in after taking Nyquil at 3 am.  No T25.  Denny had an early meeting.  The honeymoon is over for some.  Several relationships stressed.  For me only 3.  Make that 5.   It is the mid term of first quarter.  I stayed late at school planning for next week.  I had gone to Dose during my planning period and gotten 2 pots/tea pots for arrangements.  Denny was mowing when I got home.  Anabel came down to visit ... so cute.  I went out to make 2 arrangements for staff early birthdays.  Denny had phone calls  to Gary.  Always lots to think about. Worked on IEP tonight while I lay in bed.  Made plans for packing to head to St Joe after Denny gets off work tomorrow

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


T25.  At school, it is hard when students are gone.  The homework piles up so quickly.  Out at 2 and we headed to Odebolt for vertical PLC  with other SPED teachers.  Wow a lot of talking going on.  I kinda kept quiet.  We met for other PLC  meeting in teachers lounge.  Kurt brought  an example to discuss.  I was ready to get home so I did ... completely forgetting about my haircut.  Mary called so I rescheuled for next week.  I got flowers ready for Thursday CSA pick up. Then off to Awana.  Back home alittle before 9. Waited for Denny to set up computer to print lesson plan sheets.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Great bike rack pass off

T25  I picked flowers for CSA pickup Monday after I got back from Denison.  We had a meeting of SPED staff after school.  Cooks are headed to Colorado on Wednesday.  Mandy wanted her bike rack to bring her bike back to Iowa.  I took it to school and then met Jan in Holstein for a quick Hi/Bye.  Then to CSA pickup.  I had put a cavatinni in the oven for supper and had the Jensens down to eat.  We had corn on the cob from Decorah and creamy cucmbers.   Nice day!!