Saturday, September 27, 2014

Hurrah At home!!

Stayed up last night working on an IEP in bed. I have no life. Denny fixed my sausage for breakfast. A treat!! Cleaned and vacuumed in basement. Fixed donuts and took The Box car children out to read in the coop. Beautiful day!!! Missy and Phillip have started to move things to their new home. Denny worked n am and then helped move stuff in, We ate at 2 outside. He used bob cat to refill holes for new waterline. He took lots of pictures. I picked flowers for church. AND helped Anabel sort out her art supplies. We had tacos for supper then waited for Neal S. to bring apples that the bank will give to customers. 25 bushels in walk in cooler. We sat out at CSA and chilled and then in to watdh Netflicks. Nice day Rehearsal pictures:

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