Friday, September 12, 2014

Drive to Burr Oak

T25  Yup, Jean can go.  Regular day a school I think, can't really remember.  Happy to head out toward Interstate 35 when students left the school.  Jean and I met a Boondock by intersection of 20 and I35.  We left her car at the motel south  of Boondocks.  On the way to Burr Oak I about ran into deer two different times.    Thank you Jesus for safety.  We thought about eating at Lloyd, but I said Bruce would have food at his place ... and Boy did he!  Class of 77 was having a potluck.  About 22 of 40 classmates were there.  Quick visit and eat and then to Craig's.  They were out eating with Linda and Larry E. and got home soon after we got there.  Jean slept upstairs and I was in basement.  Marilynn had warned me about hard shelled catepillars/ centipeeds that are in basement.  I told her I live in a basement apartment I thought I would take my chances.  I was used to them.  We give our Grands a nickel for evey one they put in the bath room stool.  Nice to visit. Pictures are of classes of my siblings.

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