Sunday, September 14, 2014


I read in bed and then headed out and got some things at Whats New.    A big basket was with a trailer load of dolls that Craig bought.  Then Jean and I headed to see Lenora Leistikow in Decorah.  What a lady!!!  101 and going strong.  She broke her ankle and had to be moved from assisted living to nursing home care.  Most of her memories are on her walls.  She wanted to be sure to get them in any picture that we took.  Lord, if I live that long may I be a strong, sweet and loving as she is.  We headed back about 11.  I let Jean off at her car and headed back to NW  Iowa.  Made a quick stop in Storm Lake and got some bottles from Mexico.   I took a nap and chilled with Denny.  Then on to get ready for the week ahead.

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