Sunday, November 30, 2014

Slow day

Got to love Sundays. We picked up Evan and Brooks for church. Anabel wasn't' quite ready and I said that we would wait, but they sent us on.  After church we came right home for naps.  I sure can not keep up with all of these late nights.  It was midnight when we got home and to bed last night.  But we sure had a great day!  I started to work on school work and Denny worked on attaching theheadboard to our bed. Glad that he got it on. It doesn't shake any more. Pictures from Thanksgiving. Uncle Luke doing a backbend. Playing cards and with the water. Haley's backrub is always welcome.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Happy birthday party

At 4 we went to a birthday party for Haley, Jenny, and Torren. In the am, Denny worked. I went over at 6 and watched kids while Missy went to walk with Ranae. I went to IG at 9 and bought daffodils. Quite stupid of me but they were 90% off. At noon Jensens over for leftovers.In the afternoon I napped at home. Then I went out to dig a ditch to put bulbs in. I got a couple of bags planted. I have no idea if they will make it or not. Have to wait and see. Sometimes I am the dumbest person alive. But I have fun!! AT 4 we left for Kingsley. We went to a farmplace a couple miles from Frank and Jenny called the Polar Express. They gave rides on a small train and had a very neat barn. Cooks had invited us to Cherokee after the birthday party and so we went there after we had Hirschman tacos. We got home after mindnight. Uffta Very fun day. Pictures of daffy i ness. and Hirschman party.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Manure on the flower bed

I fixed biscuits and gravy before Denny went to work. We at home laid around most of the morning. Kids left soon after lunch of leftovers. We went over to Missy's and watched a movie there. In the afternoon after a nap, Jensens were cleaning out the farrowing barn and I used the bobcat and drove loads of manure on top of the flower area of the garden. Hope it does good for the flowers.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

Denny was in charge of the Teifentolers turkey. We had cereal before 8 am. then Matt and Missy went in to do the turkey trot. Matt actually won a pumpkin pie for getting the closest guess for completing the race. It was a great addition to our meal. I took kids to Moorehead park and they went sledding. It was cold, but didn't seem to bother them. We had brunch about 10 and ate Thanksgiving meal about 4:30. Very fun relaxing day.

Happy no school Wednesday before Thanksgiving

I kept busy all day. It was so nice not to have to be in school. Can't really remember what I did, but it was nice being home. Pictures from wedding photographer:

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Short, but long week

I got 5 letters ready to be sent for IEPs. Stayed at school too long and didn't get enough done. Denny had biking class tonight. Got caught up on facebook reading. Now that's an important thing to do. NOT Sometimes I just feel weary. I am really behind on this blog. Probably will never get caught up. UFFTA!!! Good thing we have lots of pictures from the wedding photographer.

November 24, 2014 Monday flew by

After school we met with Cathy. Worked on getting paperwork done for 4 IEP's and making phone calls to set up meetings. Don't remember what else I did. Such is life. Pictures from wedding photographer:

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Not. Too late for tulips

Read ss lesson in bed. Fell back asleep. Kids ran out to the end of the driveway. So cute. Brooks headed back to the house fell and got grass stains on his knees. Donuts and read the Boxcar children. At home I fixed 20 pounds of party potatoes. And 4 pans of cavatini. Denny worked at setting up computer in the basement. He took several loads out of the garage. I planted tulips between the asparagus. At 6 we went to the Ingathering. Great food. $27,000. Lots of praise to Jesus. He is worthy of praise and thanks. Pictures from wedding photographer:

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Sat at Carroll storm lake

Up early. Headed to get oil changed at Carroll. I have no idea what I did there. I think I may have taken Brooks. Missy may have taken Anabel to IG robot contest. Phillip may have taken Evan to Minnesota to deliver pigs. And I may have taken Brooks with me to Carroll. When ever Brooks and I went to Carroll it was a real fun time. He helped my pick out soup at the bread store. We got burgers at McD. We may have gone to Storm Lake to get my nails done after the oil being changed in the Prius. We looked for 6 foot foldable table for the sunroom eating during Thanksgiving. He was super to have along. Anabel might have been at a birthday party for Jessica. Denny might have been at work in Odebolt in the morning. Pictures from wedding photographer:

Friday November 21, 2014 Computer fixed

After school I headed to Denison to get the computer. I don't really remember, but if it was ready, I was the one to get it. Glad to have it back. It just seems we can not function correctly without the screen. Pictures from Wedding photographer:

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday flew by

Can't remember what I did.... Pictures from wedding photographer

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Happy birthday Haley!!! We love you so much.  Eleven years old.  You are a blessing
Cuisine class made Thanksgiving dinner for faculty.  My independent living class made cheesey corn casserole and Stovetop. The early out PD went way too long. I was ready to get out of there, but I did leave soon enough to hurry and get Brooks for haircut. Then to AWANA family night. About 250 people there really a nice turnout. Thank you Jesus
Haley Pictures: WE LOVE YOU!! .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. TUESDAY NOVEMBER 18 .... Yes, I did forget to post that day. I am sure that Denny had a spinning class. Who knows what else. Independent living measured out the ingredients for Corn casserole and read through the instructions for Stovetop Stuffing. Pictures from wedding photographer: ........................................................................................................................................................................