Saturday, November 15, 2014

Guys cut doors bottoms off

Got to see a bluejay outside the sunroom during breakfast.  Mark S. came about 10 to cut the bottom of the 9 doors off now that the tile Linoleum floor is done.  I headed to Denison to take the computer to the Doctor.  And pick up a space heater for the sunroom.  When I finally headed home it had been snowing and the roads were slippery.  Anyway, I drove about 30 miles per hour all the way home. I bought lots at WalMart.  Rugs, wastebaskets.  When I got home they were working on making room for the refrigerator. In the afternoon Missy and kids came over. Phillip was at a practical farmers seminar with Omar and Stephanie.  Denny got the stools on and the washing machines running. I made a couple pillows for the living room from shower material that I got at WalMart. Denny vacuumed the carpet. Pictures from Wedding photographer:

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